Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

clovis be like manufacture my consent yes plz i thought you’d never ask


Math is hard.

You just read “political economy” in your intro class and are showing off. How adorable.

You honestly think this is the reply I deserve?

Your reply to me is the “I just took Sociology of Media 101” and a hit of expensive organic weed version of “fake news! fake news!l”

It deserves the same response as any screaming claim of “fake news” would get whether the source had been to the Ivy League or just mainlined Alex Jones all day.

How do you like them apples?

(I don’t expect anyone to really get this joke, but whatever)

Walk me through it then.


I mean we are drawing pretty live to Bernie Biden and Trump all being dead before November. Its pretty insane to say anything is over at this point

If you really believe this isn’t over, then you can make a fortune in the betting markets. If you’re not doing that because you think it’s rigged against Bernie, then, well, at least we agree that (barring death) it’s over.



My apologies Bernie is running live to a misdeal, reshuffle, misdeal again and having the house make a bad call killing the hand and saying it should be played over.

So not the math of a ~150 deficit with over 2000 to be won, not THAT math?

Post like those make me think you all are a little too happy with how things have shaken out.

Also posts like these:

You’d better believe I bought some Bernie shares for pennies.


Have you ever considered using your superpowers for good rather than just for owning people on forums? There’s gotta be some better use your mind can be put to.

Lol you can’t defend your position with actual data so out comes the claims I’m lying and attempts at slandering me. Could you be more cliche?

Have fun digging through every post I’ve ever made. No amount of my past posts will change the facts.

Bernie lies but is better than Biden.
Bernie isn’t wining, expect under extraordinary circumstances.
Biden is better than Trump, by a wide margin.

Your definition of owning is hilarious if you honestly think he has owned me in anyway.

I don’t play that silly digging game. I just have a really, detrimentally, depressingly sharp memory and I recalled that exact exchange. It’s a superpower that tom alluded to; I was actually worried when I forgot Crunchyblack is from Iowa.

I literally can’t think of any other use.

I just said the states Bernie won have still not hit 100% reporting, it’s still essentially a tie, and that media outlets not framing it like this could be a form of manufacturing consent. That’s all.

Fine, let’s get it back on track. I’d agree with this, except with “wide margin”.

But, if you recall I started this tangent by saying Biden’s barrage of debate lies was very disturbing. Not that he’s overall a bigger liar than trump (trump is pathological; he even lies about trivial shit and things that wouldn’t even help him) but that his concentrated lie barrage debate performance was at least on par with anything trump has done.

I thought this was apt:

I never said Drain The Swamp, folks, nobody loves marshes and bogs more than me, etc.

Anecdote: When Obama announced his VP my first thought was, “Wait, he’s a democrat?”

I’m not owned! I’m not owned!