Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Seems like to win over progressives Biden has to move to the left and be more like … (checks notes) … Mitt Romney. Oh. Oh no.

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Crazy idea. How about you actually refute my point and show me that Biden is actually a bigger liar than trump. Or even that Bernie doesn’t lie or didn’t lie in the debate last night.

I’d be happy to be wrong. Show me I am and I’ll concede and apologize happily.

Huh? I’m confused by your comment.

Heck of a video.

Let’s tally the half true to pants on fire for a rough metric of how often each makes a somewhat to total false claim. You know just for fun.

Bernie 50%
Biden 61%
Trump 83%

Hmmmm :thinking:

The spread is most interesting. Bernie to Biden is 11 points. Biden to Trump is 22 points.

I think we should close the border on this site


So we agree based on your measure that objectively Joe Biden lies more than Sanders? You still haven’t provided any proof about specific claims of him lying last night.

Of course he lies more than Bernie. Bernie is a much better person than Biden, by every measure. As I’ve said a hundred times I’d choose him over Biden 100 out of 100 times. But guess what that ship has sailed. We don’t get to make that choice anymore. Now it’s Biden vs Trump.

I posted them in the Politifact link. Bernie claimed Biden has supported cutting social security for 40 years and that he had no super PACs supporting him.

Clovis why don’t you use your own reasoning skills instead of relying on an extremely biased 3rd party?

Please show me how you know they are “extremely biased”?

I don’t have time to fact check everything so I rely on reputable sources to do It for me. I don’t believe in “fake news” or that every source that makes a claim I don’t like is biased.

I also don’t think I’m knowledgeable enough to “make up my own mind” on everything like some kind of intellectual pioneer who never had to rely on heuristics or sources.

Prove to me Politifact is extremely biased and provide a better source and I’ll concede.

don’t engage this bad faith bullshit. he said he didn’t watch the thing, then he said bernie “lies all the time”, and his evidence is googling politifact and other fact checkers and posting the charts they have there.

remember this?

and he still can’t come up with one lie bernie has said off the top of his head. he has no words for himself.

use your own words to back up the claims you made earlier in this thread. or don’t. i asked you to rattle off some lies and you deflected to give yourself time to google politifact. lol

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You might be my favourite poster of all time.

Scold me for citing an article and not using my own words not three sentences after you cite an article.

I love you. You make me happy.


Shut up and take the loss.

Everyone else,

Shame on you. I already have this clown on ignore and I still can’t avoid his idiocy.


An impartial review revealed that you once clicked “view post” on a Clovis reply so our fact checker awards you seven pinnochios for this post and condemns you to burn in hell


Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.
Bernie is better than Biden.


But Biden is better than Trump.

You missed it. We have decided poltiifact is extremely biased and fake news. :grin:

Remember that one debate where they listed the number of times that the various candidates ‘attacked’, detailing who was attacking who pretty detailed. Bernie was wayyyy in the lead with the most attacks and while it was pretty clear who the other candidates were attacking you had to actually click into Bernie’s graphic to discover that like 18 of his 22 attacks were against corporations. That’s what the above reminds me of. How can you possibly think that’s mostly false. How can someone refuse something they are literally not eligible for. Like claiming the poor are refusing their healthcare cancer treatment choices because they cant afford it.

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Nay. Open it more and cull the weak.

They haven’t even finished counting the vote in CA yet.