Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Have you bought a MAGA hat yet?

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Jesus Christ. Just Jesus Christ. This level of delusion is clinical.

Right, I remember the Obama/Biden admin being basically exactly like what’s been going on for the past three years. Completely identical in every way.


Your rhetorical style is both impressive and substantive.

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tough but fair


He’s every bit as smart and witty as Oscar Wilde. I would never be able to tell the two apart!

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oops i edited out my mistake the part where i said you two are little simps that want the ruling class to stomp on your balls

also has anyone explored the possibility that someone hacked into the internet and changed news stories and videos about Joe’s votes and advocacy on these issues?


clovis8 respectfully, if you can’t watch a video of someone saying something and understand the words coming out of their mouth then you are just being intentionally dense. Show us video tape of his whole statement saying that he would cut social security so that we can understand what we are missing (or quite frankly **** off and stop responding to me like you are here to have a discussion). Its like you don’t understand that you have no morale highground if you just pit liar versus liar every 4 years. Team D is in large part no better than Team R.

I live in a world with a blue sky and we recognize everyone lies. Not just some people. All people. All politicians lie. Without exception. Bernie lies all the time. You know why? Because he is human. In our world, there is also a two party system in the US so people are forced to pick among only two candidates. They then look at each, knowing neither is perfect, and choose the one that most aligns with us.

You live in a world with a rainbow sky where politicians are magical perfect people who never change their mind, exaggerate or lie. These pure humans glow like gems and make only decisions that perfectly align with every single one of their constituents, even though there or millions of them with wildly competing views. In your world, there is a magical third option for voting where you can’t ever help the worse candidate by voting for this mythical third option.

The only thing that’s a bummer about the rainbow world is it’s citizens never ever stop whining.

Three lies that Bernie said last night, go


False equivalence fallacy. If you want to debate me get your rainbow blue sky bullshit the fuck out of here and actually support what you are saying.

Rotfl you completely missed my point by the distance between the sun and earth.

Weak sauce. GTFO.

Edit: and please don’t ever have kids.

Let’s compare the tapes. Now I see how Bernie never lies and trump and Biden are the exact same or even Biden in worse than trump. It all makes sense.

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The rhetoric in this thread is truly elevated.

Why don’t you self ban for a week and see where the rhetoric goes?

A well reasoned retort to the data I presented. Touché.

The rhetoric in this thread is in response to your dumbfuckery. If you leave, it will follow.