Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Why in the world would you feel the need to comment about it then?

Clovis, did you watch last nights debate?

Not a single person itt that is commenting on Bidens lies is exaggerating. It was absurd. It was disgusting. It was infuriating. Even ViridianDream, who I believe is pretty pro-Biden, is saying so. Yet you, who didn’t watch any of it, are saying we’re all Berniebros blinded by bias.

You are wrong on this one.


I mean this shit is priceless. Clovis doesn’t watch the debate, doesn’t actually know anything, and doesn’t try to learn about it other than going to dipshit corporate shill “fact checking” websites to see if those clowns called out their white knight establishment neoliberal savior as the liar he is. Oh, you mean Daniel Dale actually told you Joe Biden isn’t an inveterate liar?

You cannot be serious.


Yeah, I can’t say if trump’s the accelerant or if the same thing that led to trump also led to this, but it’s here.

Not sure if I posted this but it’s the most succinct:

There’s this whole metaconversation about not the behavior itself, but how we’re apparently supposed to pretend like it never happened.


wE GotTa bEat tRuMp thO!

Even if it means becoming trump.


perfect encapsulation of biden-voting morons

didn’t pay attention, don’t care, bring up trump and everything is absolved


Biden voting. Nope.
Didn’t pay attention. Nope. I read a bunch this morning and listened to two summary podcasts.
Don’t care. Nope. I think that is patently silly.
Bring up trump. Yep cause that is all that matters.

Otherwise good summary.

Anyway. I’ll leave you all to be. Have fun.

According to the other side of this argument he pretty much wasn’t lying and also all the lying was excusable because he’s a politician.

good. fuck off


Literally nobody is saying this. Nobody.

Y’all should just find a transcript and go through it line by line to count the truths and lies. That would be faster than this eternal back and forth.

Let’s check the tapes.


Thanks please do as I literally fucking said he did lie not that he “wasn’t lying”

If your standard is a politician who has never lied you seriously live in a dream world.

Ok this is really boring now.

This is a familiar talking point–where did I hear this before?

I’m not the one super pissed off to learn dragons and unicorns don’t exist.

shut the fuck up forever clovis challenge 2020

High standards are good. Impossible standards are self-defeating.

Gonna be entertaining watching Victor actively campaign for Trump.