Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Politics is a strong and slow boring of hard boards.
-Max Weber

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As a strong believer in the idea that crisis enables change, I think we need something to go wrong to spur changes to the electoral system. Apparently, Bush v Gore and the Trump presidency are not enough of a crisis.

re: Is there anything Biden can do now to win over progressives?

Not do what he did tonight.

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He just lied more than trump ever did in a single sitting.


I didn’t watch any of it but would snap bet my networth this isn’t true.

it was stunning

He lied about almost every single answer that he gave. It was fucking preposterous. There’s a reason why people like me are waning whether or not to ‘lessor of two evils’ in November and maybe Team D doesn’t deserve or get my vote. Maybe you don’t understand it or don’t get why I would say that, but that’s part of the problem too.


A clear corner was turned and I wasn’t the only non-sweet-summer-child who noticed. There was a farcical brazenness to his lying, not that the lies were big, or that they didn’t get refuted by the moderator, but that Biden and his team knew they wouldn’t, that they fully accepted the farce is the point. The whole affair was a declaration that lying well or successfully isn’t even the objective; the objective is to simply have the shamelessness to tell the lie and let the spectacle resolve itself.

I thought I was feeling histrionic but checking around online led me to see that if I was, it wasn’t justme. Even the most jaded are like, “Yeah, sure, politicians lie, but this is still something distinctly different.” Various forms of:

We’ve just normalized the idea that well of course the moderators shouldn’t point out easily refutable objective lies in a presidential debate, that’s not even the point of them!


Non-verbose version: This was like if trump did some internal polling and found the wall was unpopular now and said in an upcoming debate that, no, he never supported a wall and, in fact, opposed one getting built.


I need a gif of Bernie’s expression when Biden stated emphatically that no, he had in fact never even considered cuts to social security and Medicare.

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It’s still early to draw that conclusion. Things are going to get fucking crazy through the country over the next couple weeks due to the virus.

I can’t find a single fact checking site that agrees with your analysis.

Oh I see. Every fact check site across partisan lines is hiding the fact that Biden is the biggest lair ever and actually lies more than Trump.

A few of you really need to get a fucking grip.

This is getting boring.

I’ll just accept you believe he is pure evil. You have zero evidence to support that claim. It’s religious. It’s the exact same “thinking” that makes people love Trump no matter what evidence arises.

There is no amount of evidence, itt or otherwise, which will ever change your minds.

The rest is us will carry on in the real world where Biden is flawed and changing positions. Lying from time to time. Disingenuous from time to time. Not perfectly aligned with my personal positions.

You know; a politician.

All we, in the real world, care about is he is better than the alternative.

True I just read the “fake news” and “lying media” including, cnn, Washington post, globe and mail, and NYT.

But I guess I should put more faith in the random twitter people 6ix quoted earlier.

He didn’t just change positions. He claimed he had never held positions that he is on tape multiple times advocating. Over and over and over again. Also lol at the idea that he’s doing anything but lying about having changed his stances. Do we have to believe trump when he says he’ll protect preexisting conditions? Trump is claiming a much better more equitable agenda than biden so if we’re just believing people’s policy statements then we should all 100% be voting trump.


could you point to where you found anything about last night’s debate on here? don’t see anything but that may be bc I’m bad at websites

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You are 100% wrong here Clovis. Take the L and move on.


Biden not being a bigger liar than Trump is a weird hill to die on. Even if it’s not technically true by whatever metric, the lies Biden was telling were egregious and inexcusable.


Those weren’t about his lies unto themselves, they’re about the visceral reactions to his lies. I was curious if I was the only one being melodramatic.

Here’s another way to put it: You know how we were worried about normalizing trump’s behavior? The debate represented the full normalization.