Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it

houses are up everywhere. her payment is still going to be 50-100% more than what it would have been if she bought slightly earlier. if she needs 3 jobs… obviously much more risk of default.

the housing situation right now is just a huge fault line between the have and have nots.

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I don’t think many people are actually saying anything like “burn it down” though probably a couple are.

Expensive states in our case. Like Fresno is expensive now. Fresno!

Again, I wanna just shout out to Germany which requires half the board of directors be workers in companies with over 2000 employees. Denmark and some other countries have adopted this to a smaller degree after Germany with Denmark requiring up to one-third.

Imo, the difference between government charity/welfare and actually sharing power in major corporations - like half-way worker cooperatives at the largest industrial scale.

eta: some of the country still affordable though

Home ownership rates really aren’t that different among different age groups compared to 5 years ago.

Home owners vs non-home owners is always going to be a split between haves and have nots though.

That seems not adjusted for inflation? Or am I missing how they present that.

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I’m probably being dumb here, but explain the point you’re making with this graph. It appears that the difference in median income in 2019 between boomers and gen z is only a few thousand dollars, cool, but what did a house cost when boomers were buying vs younger generations trying to buy right now? Or am I misinterpreting it?

Its adjusted for inflation, everything is 2019 prices.

It is inflation adjusted, which, while not perfect, does account for differences in the cost of housing

look up the ratio between median household income and median home price and there has been a massive increase in the last several years. It was about 2.5x in 1970, about 3x in 2000, and is about 5.5x today. Housing in real dollars is way more expensive today.


I guess people have only been tracking the housing affordability index since 1989, but last September anyway was a record low for the US.

This is not disputed though. It’s also a flawed way of looking at things (and so is the graph I’ve posted - it’s adjusted by household size as well).

Naaw it’s really not flawed, anyone who has moved in the last few years, rents, or is looking to get out of their parents house for the first time is paying out the ass on housing. Nobody gives a fuck how inflation adjusted household wages compares to previous generations, they care that 35% of their income is going to housing and they likely will never own a home. Spouting off that the economy is actually good guise when a large portion of your voters are trying to figure out how many roommates they can stuff in to a 2 bedroom is pants on head stupid.


It is flawed though because interest rates have been double what they were today. Comparing cost by sticker price when the interest rate makes a huge portion of the cost is definitely flawed.

House ownership rates haven’t really changed among age groups lately, and while I agree that it’s a problem, the data just isn’t there to support your assertion

Problems in the housing market:

  1. Not enough building
  2. Not enough density
  3. Old boomers holding on to big houses they needed when they had 3-5 kids because their property taxes aren’t high enough

Yeah, that’s what I said. I said you are lying about NMNM and proving you’re not a NMNM member, because I know you can’t see it. I said I think one can still read SPE without being a member.

Btw, SPE is invite-only to post.

Yeah. I expanded my housing search to rural and exurban places, to try to actually be able to buy something. Anything. Even if it’s completely shitty (and not even attributing any of the shitty to being rural/exurb). And it doesn’t exist. The floor price of urban housing in the region’s biggest or most desirable urban area, is now the floor price of the entire region, basically in all 50 states.

Upstate NY near Canada is cheap. It must really suck there.

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This is amazing. First of all, you’re saying that criticizing the campaign strategy of blasting THE ECONOMY IS GOOD AND YOU’RE STUPID to struggling people is the same as being against status quo capitalism and two party USAian status quo.

Then, the same thing you’ve ALWAYS done, you bring out the old strawman that anticapitalism, socialism, or anarchism, means no plans, no structures, no systems. Means only outlaws may exert power

What is the actual point of your posts? It’s certainly not to read any feedback to them

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I visited it in an incognito window and the sign up button seemed like it worked fine but to be fair I didn’t register a new account there just to confirm that it’s open for anyone.

If you’re mad about not being able to post on SPE, I suggest you contact one of the founders/admins - maybe CN ir otatop can talk to goofy for you.