Is the economy good or bad, and what is the economy, and how much should a person care about it



Do you still believe that aggressively building new housing and pushing density in a place like California is wrong?

I never made a blanket statement about the whole state like that. You are far too dumb to get into this.

Does your answer change on the part of the state? How about the Bay Area? What things cause a change?

So right off the bat you are acknowledging that you were wrong correct? Whatever. You don’t have to answer that. I don’t want to talk to you about it. If someone else is interested then maybe I will.

I think I characterized your opinion quite fairly. Your lack of explanation for what is actually different makes me even more confident.

You’re always confident about everything ikes. That doesn’t mean a thing

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For someone who doesn’t want to talk to Ikes about this, you sure spend a lot of posts talking to Ikes about it.

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What do you call what they do in Denmark? Maybe insert that. Seems to be working over there. I can’t speak for everyone, but I figure most would see that as a step up.

I have two posts where I refer directly or indirectly about that ie the “it” in your sentence, and one of those was only indirectly about it. Or do you not understand what you wrote?

That’s always been my position. Just do what Scandanavia does. It’s not perfect here by any means. But most of the people who argue that times are horrible right now don’t seem to be looking for Scandanavia. They’re looking for something free of capitalism entirely. Correct me if I’m wrong.

And you will never convince me that eDems and right-wing fascists are the same when it comes to getting us closer to Scandinavia.

Are you doing the Orange county choppers meme on purpose?

Not on purpose, but it did cross my mind as I typed out the post.

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I don’t think it’s necessarily implied that someone has some sort of fully worked out alternative when they make a criticism. I’m sure people have some ideas, but those ideas will just be all over the place for different people and I don’t think it’s fair to assume that they always mean scrap everything and do everything differently.

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People talk about Scandinavia a lot because of their extensive social welfare, but I think Germany has more radical and socialist corporate laws.

Basically what micro said. I don’t think lots of people who don’t love e-dems will have different answers to the question.

People define capitalism differently too. This is not an easy or quick discussion.

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Like some people will say anything with a market is capitalism .Markets go back thousands or maybe tens of thousands of years. When a lot of people talk about capitalism they’re talking about industrial or financial capitalism starting sometime in the 17th through 19th centuries.

I don’t think criticizing the status quo w/o offering any specific ways that things could be made better or pointing to better existing systems is that helpful. I’m all for the Scandinavia plan. Let’s do whatever we can to get there. I’m not all for the “Let’s burn it all down and see what rises from the ashes” plan.

I’m also rejecting the premise that young people are hurting everywhere because even though they have decent jobs, they can afford rent or to buy a house. That seems to be taken for granted when we have this discussion. But I haven’t seen any evidence that it’s the case outside of expensive cities.

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Because it’s not true: