Is Climate Change Bad?

Ah yes, I see where you outted yourself as a moron. Carry on


Yeah that’s definitely where things will get sticky for California. Otherwise we’re pretty self-sufficient. I’m surprised desalinization hasn’t made more progress.

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That’s where the discussion turned and ~everybody agrees with the proposition.

The terms are not defined very well: it makes sense to clarify what the time horizon is for “existential”. There are dozens of existential threats on a long enough view and mitigating the risks of many of them doesn’t require a complete upending of the economy. It’s not nearly as simple as handing every oil and gas worker a shovel and some saplings, and every truck driver an electric vehicle.


I think you need to read what he’s responding to.

I’m not sure what learning that gets you. It’s nearly an irrelevant consideration and fairly obvious. I am fully confident that if the average temp went up even 5 or 10 degrees, human beings are resourceful and adaptable enough that some will survive.

So, the chance of every last human being wiped out is basically nil. That’s obvious. Humanity in some form will undoubtedly continue to exist.

The problem is that climate change will lead to a massive amount of death and misery for people who are poor and can’t afford adaptive technologies or to move out of the hellscape that they ultimately find themselves in.

The real play is to learn that climate change will cause many, many people (mostly non Americans) to die. I’m not sure whether or not you have accomplished that yet. And if you have, it’s not clear if you give a shit.


uh read the room

same as it ever was

Already done.

If you don’t believe that it’s obvious, you can do a poll as an experiment.

Climate change will

A. Lead to the death of every single human
B. Not lead to the death of every single human

Let me know how it goes.

don’t have to

I read the thread for about 10 seconds.

Oh, I think you do.

I really won’t read the thread twice to multiquote. You can read it once though, and that should help.

I suppose I could be wrong.

Well, let’s see how it goes:

Pick one

  • Climate change will lead to the death of every single human being
  • Climate change will not lead to the death of every single human being

0 voters

…uh you snipped the part of the statement where he was talking about SoCal to make it sound like he’s talking about humanity overall?

What is this trash posting you’re doing?

Yeah, this.

If this is a centrist view on climate change on this forum then fine. It’s still more than enough to be called an emergency or a crisis, and require significant intervention to avert or minimize.

This poll is stupid


Depends if climate change leads to nuclear war. But otherwise I think we survive Road Warrior style.

Iron is the only poster on any site I’ve put on ignore every single time it’s expired. And that was before this recent hot streak.

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Anyone that believes this is so mind-numbingly stupid, they should never be allowed to leave the house.