Is Climate Change Bad?

Everyone step aside - an actuary is here. I am a specialist in mortality rates and human longevity. I have written many difficult exams to earn my credentials and and I’m an expert in how to measure mortality rates, their trends over time, and understanding the underlying factors that drive longer term trends in mortality. So I am best positioned to answer this question. The answer is: every single human being on earth will die with or without climate change. You’re welcome.



This is the dumbest kind of internet fight where both sides aren’t even arguing over the same thing. One side is making a (silly) technical argument that climate change won’t wipe out every human and the other is arguing it will have massive extremely bad effects. Both are right but each is arguing as if the other is an idiot.


Too many post apocalyptic movies predicted the future. Small bands will survive by eating each other and a hero will arrive…

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Welcome to UP ser


I’m curious which side you think I’m on because I think that both of those things are true. I definitely think it won’t wipe out every single human and it definitely will have definitely have extremely bad effects.

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Everyone here is on both sides. They just pretend to not be so they can fight online.

Your post makes no sense at all. You are not describing two sides, you are describing the precise thoughts of one side. And I assure you that I’m not pretending. That’s what I actually think.

My current (hot?) take is that the deep state/elites/American Empire are somewhat enthusiastic about climate change because it will likely impact America much less than all it’s current and future global rivals. China and India will be devastated with large areas becoming uninhabitable. Europe likely gets flooded with refugees from Africa/middle east/Asia. Russia in theory benefits but also will get flooded with refugees and who knows what Russia will even look like in a couple decades

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One of the better ones IMO

btw how do you get you tube to just come up rether than a url?

If Dems had any stones, they’d pass a law completely banning greenhouse gas emissions and set it to go into date in one year, unless the EPA had it’s autonomy to regulate greenhouse gases restored.

“Alright judges, you wanna fuck around? Let’s fuck around then!”

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Iron is not just saying that it won’t kill every single human, he’s clearly taking the position that as a result we shouldn’t be as upset as we are about this SCOTUS ruling and its implications.

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Yeah he’s thrilled with this ruling but even without that barrier they’d never do it. It would be putting a gun to the head of the entire economy and daring the Supreme Court not to stop it. They don’t have the stones for that, even though the Supreme Court just put a bigger gun to the head of humanity.


I was interested in your question around desalination.

This article was super interesting.

300 million people get their water from desal.

I think I remember reading that when it came out. The plant in Huntington Beach it references just got killed.

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there’s definitely a ton of waste from desalinization. also, it uses a lot of energy.

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