Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Dont forget netflix subscriptions and 40 inch tvs. Those poors need their entertainment dontcha know? And we need to hate them for it

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I played poker with a black guy who chopped 2nd in one of the LAPC events - guy paid him a $30k premium for first place and the ring lol.

Everyone at the table was like - what did you do with the money? Bailed my brother and sister out of jail. And the mood was immediately dampened.

As long as they keep extending this expanded UI, we should avoid a depression and be primed for a quick recovery once the pandemic ends/unwinds. I think it’s likely to start unwinding, slowly but surely, in 1-4 months.

Cheapest I have ever seen it is $3 here

Where is that? I’ve never seen anything like 50 cents for a dozen eggs.

The $2.50 is more normal around me.

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I don’t think we’re going into a great depression. Once this thing breaks, there’s going to be a bunch of pent up demand for restaurants, bars, and other items. Well, I mean it depends on the government keeping everybody afloat until the country can get back to work.

The demand for things hasn’t changed, just nobody can go out and fulfill it. I know I’m likely to blow off lots of money in restaurants once this thing is ever under control.*

*This assumes we get lucky and get this under control somehow.


I had a couple of friends who maxed out the 2 years of unemployment insurance during the great recession. Racked up credit cards, whatever it took to limp through.

The girl was fine - doing projects with other people, endlessly redesigning her interior. When she finally needed to she went back to work.

Dude sank into a funk of weed and video games. Rarely left the house. Finally went back to work when he was about to be evicted. Almost ruined him. 6 months after going back to work he got his confidence back and was back to his old self.


Same, but this assumes that my wife and I both have our jobs.

Damn. Did you totally close operations?

If trucks aren’t shipping we are headed for a catastrophe the scope of which the US hasn’t seen since the civil war. Most of the rest of the world only has to go back to WW2.

I’m already broke and wondering if I spend my old age indoors, so not that big a change for me, but the rest of you are fucked.

I have never gotten a stock trade right so for the good of humanity i just went all in on a 3x short etf. Thank me for taking one for the team later.


Just my largest customer. I’m operating at like 1-2 shipments a week right now (so my business is generating 300-400 a week in gross income), and that’s nowhere near enough to cover my standard paycheck. The good news is that my big produce season starts 5/1 so this is going to be extremely temporary.

I’ll also very likely end up taking out forgivable loans this year for my business. In my defense I’ll very likely use them to hire 1-2 people for the produce season, and after that if they succeed at getting a few accounts of their own.

IDK this is a super weird year. I’m just trying to make the right moves and not step on any mines.

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Do you have an exit point in mind?

You mean when you haul goods that were harvested by migrant farm workers who may not be allowed to do that migrating?

Yeah we’ll see I guess. If that falls apart too it might take longer. They harvest watermelons in Mexico too if push comes to shove. I suspect my customers are going to supply the grocery stores no matter what.

And bring them in through the border that may or may not be open.

And if you were growing watermelons you might be limiting your risk already.

Roughly 20% lower then probably go long if it plays out. I see one more wave of panic once this thing really hits the fan over the next week.

Eh goods will travel. You’re talking about some really next level economic damage if the produce seasons in Mexico/US fail totally. I suspect they figure it out somehow. There are also millions of Americans out of work who might be enticed to cut melons.

And yeah I’m already well aware that this thing has the potential to fuck everything up. I quit melons I thought forever in 2017 lol. I didn’t even make the decision to work them again willingly tbh.

My last year I moved something like 3.5% of the complete market (much more in the lanes I dominated) so even if it’s weak I’ll probably still be busy.

My backup plan to produce is turkey. One of the bigger turkey processors gives me a lot of work when they get into a really bad jam on the trucking side. They already told me to expect them to need help if corona hits the trucker population hard (they mostly use asset based carriers, who on average have older drivers).

God talking about my plans for this year business wise makes me feel like a fucking ghoul. That’s probably the only difference between me and inso in practice tbh… I have the good taste to feel guilty about it.

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SPXU? I hope all in means an amount you are fine losing 50% of. That can get real ugly real fast haha.

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Yup spxu. Im fine if i lose all this, not doing that with retirement money or anything.
