Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Start making calls, see if the place you left has filled your spot or not, talk to the landlord and see where they’re at. Nothing is going to get worse if you start talking to people about possibilities.

Thanks buddy.

In the past two weeks, I was offered a job with a company Ive wanted to work with, left my previous job, gone to that location, found an apartment and signed a lease. Filled out my I9, completed all my onboarding steps, began packing, found a moving company, put in my 30 days notice at the apartment im living at, and in the past three days Ive had my movers cancel and had my new job be put on hold indefinitely.

Looking for remote jobs now


I’m betting the farm this week. All in on TVIX. Should’ve done that weeks ago but I’m pretty sure the carnage has just started.

Not sure, but that’s a good point.

I’m a couple of years in to a 15 year mortgage at 3.25% so I’ll have to crunch the numbers.

My biggest customer shut down at 8pm last night. I’m officially impacted now. I generated ~75% of my income off that account last year. This week they generated about 10% of the freight volume of normal.

Thankfully I’m transitioning back to moving produce, and hopefully that works out. If it doesn’t it’s going to be a bad time.

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And oh yeah, that was going to be the source of our healthcare, so now during a global pandemic, we have zero health coverage

good luck

Sorry man, that really blows.

My situation isn’t as bad as yours to be fair. We’ll both get through this I suspect. I really was not kidding about the produce.

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Can you COBRA from your last job? Probably expensive but maybe better than being uninsured.

What state are you in? I think having no income is pretty good as the ACA isn’t dead yet and has subsidies. Unless it takes into account previous income or something.


Fuck that’s right - can’t use ACA until you exhaust COBRA - 18 months.

Huh? Healthcare. gov says:

If you decide not to take COBRA coverage, you can enroll in a Marketplace plan instead.

Ok sorry I must have gotten that wrong. I know someone who wasn’t eligible because of COBRA. They must have missed the 60 day window and enrolled in COBRA instead.

What happened at the end of the day to drop everything off a cliff?

Nothing in particular, I assume a lot of people just didn’t want to be in the market over the weekend in case of horrible news that leads to a -1000 pt or worse open on Monday.


Fully expecting this, and bought a bear market ETF towards the end of the day.

I hope I’m wrong and lose money, but I’m expecting really awful stuff coming down the line.

GL bored and master.

Hopefully things look up for you soon.


They gave me even more money/bonus/RSU refreshers. I haven’t worked at all this week while sitting at home? :thinking: