Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

That will make it easier for you to send me my $50 when Biden and Trump have 3 debates ;)

Seriously though, that’s awesome news. Congrats

Congrats bud

Futures down another 4-5%

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I’m seeing less than 1% down when futures closed for the weekend. What are you looking at?

From Friday’s open maybe. I’m showing the same thing on the app but that’s where they measure it from.

Futures at 2175 - Getting close to my first arbitrary target to buy! I guess my final buy target will be at 750. Maybe another one at 1100ish. Basically every 25% drop once getting to 2000 or so

I still have a few stocks I’m stubbornly not selling despite feeling like I’ll regret that. Shit hasn’t hit the fan most places in the US yet.

My mom just offered up something to the effect of “I don’t want to even think about our funds. Our broker moved them out of the market when all this happened though.” which makes me a little nervous. I’m like Mom you mean he reallocated and you’re in some kind of blend of bonds and stocks? Yeah I think so.

I’m thinking um any kind of auto-rebalance would be buying more stocks right now right? And a broker at my parents’ (not wealthy at all) level isn’t out there just trading for you, right? Weird.

I just have to assume my stepdad is on it. My stepbrother swore he made money as a daytrader for a while so I assume he’s giving them the standard advice for their situation.

Asx-first market open today is down 6% in 8 mins

Edit - 8.34% in 9 mins and a trading halt (I think)

St. Louis fed predicted 30% unemployment in Q2 and 50% drop in GDP.

We’re going to need to start a war to get the economy going again. Sorry Iran, it’s gonna be very bad year for you. But cheer up, freedom is coming.


Wondering how much of the impact the markets have priced in.

On one hand, the general public has no idea how bad this is and how bad it’s going to get. On the other hand, I assume some people who do this for a living have a generally better understanding of what to expect (like, if this forum of randos has figured it out surely the big hedge funds have too?). Also, the government could act to bolster the economy which would likely stem any stock market losses.

I think I’m going to continue to stay put and keep my existing holdings (mostly index funds) and occasionally buy if things continue to fall. I’m just not confident in myself to exit any holdings (I haven’t sold anything yet).

Also I’m 30 with a few decades until retirement.

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People in the know are selling, look at the five Senators who sold their stock. Not saying I 100% agree w/ the thought, but could be dumb money like us, teacher/public sector pensions, etc. propping up the market.

Also from my small insight I think even the “smart money” is pricing in about a 6-8 week shutdown. Not because they can’t conceive of anything longer, but because beyond that we start getting in WAAF anyway territory even for them. If we are still having mass shutdowns 4 months from now then the entire financial system is going to collapse.

I think there will be a ton of panic selling when the bodies start piling up. I fully expect huge declines from here. I hope I’m wrong. I’m sticking with my AA and rebalancing with each major drop.


Why can’t you move? You’re in Sacramento right? If the other side of that 350 miles is in SoCal, I might be able to help.

For fun, after making this post I applied for Options trading with my brokerage (Vanguard). I don’t intend to actually day trade them because I’m a trading fish but I may buy some puts as an emotional hedge and leave it at that.

I cant find a mover, and we are both pretty nervous about a bunch of possibly infected people handling our stuff even if we could

Well, no idea if me and a pickup truck would be of much use or could swing it schedule-wise or it would make sense even, but if it makes sense/is possible…I am humbly at your service. (microdaughter is sorta kinda in your part of the state and wants to come home and I may be able to kill two birds)

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Narrator: … and that’s how it alllll started downhill for poor hokie.