Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Excuse me, I think you mean JOB CREATOR.

Analysts are wrong way more than they’re right and they also know way more than any of us.

From what you’ve said you’re already in a good position to retire when it’s time so why gamble at all? Stick your money in an index fund, don’t take unnecessary risks and take a slow and steady return to make your retirement even more enjoyable. The added utility of the extra money that is basically icing on the cake in your situation doesn’t seem to be worth the risk.

I realize analysts get it wrong all the time. But I also think in times of mass panic, or denial about impending doom, or delusional upswing mania, even normal people can find spots to go against the grain (although not sure how MSFT fits into that).

My retirement is a very fluid thing. First I don’t really want to not work at all as I think that makes you get old and slow faster. So I don’t mind not having every dime I expect to need. (I’m only 50).

Second my plan is to take back up driving my car around the world and write books - camping in expensive countries and hostels or AirBnB’s in cheaper countries

I think I can live on $3600k/month until Social Security kicks in (including the $600/month I pay my dad so he can stay retired), although they may keep pushing that back. But $4600/month is a lot more comfortable. As is $5600, etc.

Right now I have the luxury of playing it a little riskier since I have a secure job. If my gambles don’t pay off it could just mean I have to work another year. I was planning to quit this summer and start my trip up again - lol.

So today the Uber CEO got on an analyst call and said “all good,” after which the stock went up 40%.

Efficient markets!

I mean, he wouldn’t lie on an analyst call!

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First day without a 1000 point swing from previous day’s close since March 6.


Easiest recession ever


Trump is 100% going to say this one day.

DOW 20,000

Thank you, working hard!

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exxon doesn’t have the money to pay that dividend. apparently instead of slashing it as they should-- they’ll just add more debt. with the low price of oil, what could go wrong?

Wells fargo is a joke of a bank but hey buffet still owns some of that I think so it’ll get bailed out.

I have my annual review tomorrow + should find out our bonus (last year ~17%), great time for this :+1:

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Our bonuses are paid in 5 weeks. I’m supposed to get 3 this year due to a retention bonus and a long term bonus plus the normal annual bonus. In total they will add up to about 50% of my annual salary. But I can’t imagine that they are not going to be postponed or canceled. Honestly I just want to keep my job and would be ok if the bonuses are mothballed.

wtf dow futures up 650 points if I’m reading this correctly. I figured the markets would be in free fall this morning.

Not super surprised. People are starting to realize the magnitude and governments seem to be reacting more of less appropriately. Not surprised to see some stabilization.

Buy buy buy? :full_moon_with_face::joy:

Even the great depression wasn’t this immediately severe.


quadruple witching day. short squeeze. look it up.

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So does it make any sense to pause mortgage payments (up to a year, supposedly, if they allow it) and hoard the extra cash for when I decide to reinvest in the market? I feel like once this thing is over, if it ever is, the market should start climbing pretty fast as people start revving up their normal lives again.


If bad news out of NYC hospitals comes in over the weekend I think we’re going to have another multiple trigger Monday. If not, next week could rally or go sideways. But in that case I may bet the farm the week after is brutal.

Cuomo says NYC is 45 days away from peak. Italy says it’s two weeks. Assuming both of those are in the ballpark of reality - 45 days away from peak was 25 days ago for Italy and I don’t think they were even overrun yet.

TA analysis and soothsaying provided free of charge.

Well its official. The job I was expected to start on Monday has been “Postponed until further notice.”

That means I now have two apartments, 350 miles apart, one significantly smaller than the other, with mo ability to move to it. One that we have given our 30 days notice of, and now zero income.

Not entirely sure what to do next.