Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Market dropping like a rock the last ten minutes

And that was out of the question why?

Shit we might hit 20 by 4

Clearly it’s not… We’re getting closer, although the DOW is below the S&P in % drop today.

A TA guy has been telling me for days that if Dow breaks 20,400 it’s gonna go for a long ways. Looks like we’re going to find out if he’s correct.

Check with a homeopath and palm reader too, just to be sure.


I’m not scared, I’ve got three buy orders in. There is no second circuit breaker at 13% after 3:25, we can drop to -20% without a halt.

TA? Trough analyst?

Tittie Aficionado



19,732 is the inauguration day number. If we’re going to get close, might as well get to 19,731 so he gets asked about it. We’re about 500 points away.

I’m not checking with anybody, I have my plan. But these guys always give me the mumbo jumbo after the fact, so it;s interesting to see now what happens as he called this for days. According to him, if it cracks 20,400 the next solid resistance is ~ 16000.

I made no such claim.

Largest single day point loss ever. Dow closes -2,999 for -12.94%. S&P -324.95 for -11.99%. NASDAQ -970.28 for -12.32%.

My first buy order was the VOO at 218.11, we hit 218.18. Oh well. Variance.

Tremendous. The best people. New records every other day.


Yeah TA is incredible for identifying what happened in retrospect. Perfect track record. Somehow no more predictive than a monkey throwing darts though. Weird.

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On that note, could we replace Trump with a monkey throwing darts?

I was going to say he IS a monkey throwing darts, but I doubt he can throw a dart.


Yeah I don’t believe in it. But I did think it was interesting because it kept bouncing of his “resistance” at ~ $20400, which he posted about several times last week.

Pence would just stand next to the target, pull all the misfires out of the wall, and stick them in the bullseye. Libs would be like, WTF he’s cheating. Everyone else, MAGA.


The nice thing about losing 10% of your retirement every day is that it’s less $ lost each day.