Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

They probably all got the damn virus from Trump

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Canada closes borders, should be fine

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Well we can scale capacity up and the percentage of population without immunity goes down, so as long as we can keep the spread linear instead of exponential we can ease restrictions.

I put in a buy order just above the next circuit breaker. I feel like I overreacted a bit this morning so I’m splitting the difference between my original plan and the new plan.

If they do and we get another 5-6% rally for no good reason, I’m selling, it’ll all be given back in the morning. If it’s going to be that transparent, fuck it, I’ll time the markets.

I don’t think it will work this time anyway.


Based on my experience playing Plague Inc over the last several weeks, this is a bad sign. Canada always among the most difficult to thoroughly infect.

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I don’t think China would do this because it would be slitting their own throat. They’d never sell another drug or drug precursor to anyone. Everyone would remember this. And people would look hard at other national security type of industries like steel, electronics, communications, etc. Which, obviously, we should anyway.

I’ve been on the HOLD camp so far, but I think I’m ready to move my retirement funds over to something without risk for the time being and I’m seeking some advice.

Currently I have my IRA funds in Vanguard, VFORX (target 2040 retirement), current mix is 85% stocks, 15% bonds. If I move it all out to a money market fund I’d be losing 25% from the peak (assuming the market drops 10% today), which I’m OK with. My question is, which money market fund should I move the money to?


Don’t think it really matters, they’re all more or less the same.

That’s what I thought, thanks for confirming.

People concerned, but not panicked. Still a ways down to go.

Yeah it kinda makes sense that any situation you think you might need travel insurance for is not going to be underwritable - because it’s fairly likely to happen.

Getting close to circuit breaker #2



It’s after 3:25pm.

Shit I forgot about that! This could get ugly(er).

I don’t think we’re going to get to -13% anyway. There would have to be a huge panic at close.

RIP dumbest rally in the history of Wall St. 3/13/20-3/16/20.