Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Yup. It demonstrated that there are some grown adults attempting to carry out a non-crazy plan.

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Not being intentionally obtuse. Who are the adults and what is the plan? Bc right now it’s state and local govs doing everything as far as I’m aware.

Pence, Azar, Fauci and the CDC guy all strike me as moderately competent.

It’s better than Wednesday- all I’m saying. Like losing a limb is better than dying. Trump seems to at least finally understand this isn’t going away.

Of course now the fascism kicks in.

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Fauci for sure. I’m wondering how fast he gets canned when this is over

edit: I mean canned for contradicting dear leader

That linked in story I posted might be fake. I deleted it.

The one with the 40-70% infected projection?

Yeah but I’ve read that everywhere. It’s the standard herd immunity figure.

I’ll give you the others, but Pence? Seriously? His job seems to be nothing more than to publicly kiss Trump’s ass. LOL at him being even close to moderately competent.

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I mean he seems to be good at kissing ass soo?

True. But in that case “moderately competent” is still an inaccurate descriptor. The man is world class.

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Seeking Alpha getting caught up to two weeks ago.

I am pretty confident that was a market reaction to privatizing the federal disaster response. That presser told the markets that there will be a profit margin on every aspect of this.

Pence single handedly caused an HIV outbreak in Indiana.

Azar was too scared to tell Daddy the worst case scenarios and helped get us in this mess.

Redfield (CDC) seems okay and Fauci is good. But they’re both partially muzzled.

Maybe the first few 100 pts. The rest was just yippee cay yay motherfucker!

I’d still snap take Pence right now because I think he has empathy for old white evangelicals - who are right in the crosshairs of this. Trump is incapable of empathy.

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Fed goes to 0. Which, uh, why??? Exactly none of the problem is related to interest rates being too high.

Also buying $200 billion of mortgage bonds, again, because…why???

I’m just guessing that that’s all finance clowns know how to do when things aren’t going right for them.

When you have one lever, it’s hard not to pull it.