Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Wow, the Weekend Wall Street Dow CFD market just shot from -4.5% to -0.75%.

What happens when there are no more bullets? (Which I think we’re just about there?)

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Emptying the clip for no real reason before the shit really starts hitting the fan screams desperation. I can’t wait to see what fuckery they engage in when things really start going sideways.

The fed is probably worried about the velocity of money drastically decreasing. Which, sure. And an easing monetary policy makes sense under those cirucumstances.

Same reasons as always.

Oh shit at least we will be able to get cheaper mortgages when we buy all the homes of dead boomers

Lol who am I kidding, corporations will buy them all

I guess the consensus is that my colleague is a crackpot? Wouldn’t surprise me.

He says there are rumors of a NYSE closure this week due to the NYC’s possible covid measures. So if any of you chose to be flat over the weekend to avoid gap risk, you might wanna stay flat for the same reason.

S&P futures open in 15 minutes. Apparently the Fed just intervened with a huge announcement. Otherwise my financebro said it would have opened at/near -5% (the Globex circuit-breaker). Now he has no guess.

I think I’ll literally get some popcorn ready and watch the open. Little bit of peanut oil in a pot and voila, a delicious healthy bunker snack.

Edit: oh I guess the announcement is what Riverman said? BAD pony!

Dow CFD was down 4.5% and went positive after the announcement. It’s now hanging somewhere around 1% down, so that’s about where I expect futures trading to open. (+/- ~ 1%.)

Dang he losing it:

Ridiculous and insane. The FED has lost control and is panicking. 3 weeks after all-time highs and they go full retard.

MMT has arrived. This is Phase 1 of the FIAT monetary system house of cards burning down.

I am shocked, disheartened, disappointed not only at the FED but also our gov’t. Russia, Saudis, China are all fucking laughing at us right now.

They could not even wait til Wednesday in their scheduled meeting. I bet you the White House forced them.

Maybe because someone told them the banks are about to collapse again?

Sounds like he knows what’s up.

I’m legit worried about us being in a temporary (IE - permanent) military dictatorship by the election. As long as I can still sell my condo and GTFO. I’ll chew my arm off if I have to. Good luck everyone else.

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I’m worried there won’t be an election

Yup. Can he do that? He can’t do that can he?

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Nah, maybe delayed, but eventually they will hold fake ones like Russia does.

If he’s talking about the plunge protection team he definitely knows what’s up. Only the people truly in the know are aware of the PPT.


My friend who is an MD for a huge PE real estate fund is saying the exact opposite. 100% necessary because we need cheap money to lend out to fight off the liquidity crunch.

As a small fish in a big pond I’m gonna go with WAAF no matter who is right.

The 15-sec chart of the June contract is a wild roller coaster right now.

Friday close: 2653
Open: 2632
Immediate high: 2650
2565 at 6:01:15
2641 at 6:02:30
Back down to 2565 at 6:04:30
2600 at 6:05:30
And now we’re down to 2560

I’m sensing sarcasm :P

Wow futures already back down 4-5%

They going to do this every day?