Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

It’ll probably go up 3k on Monday

Or not ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Eh, market isn’t responding to the effectiveness of the Corona response. It’s responding to the signaling of corporate welfare as part of the response.


Yeah, I know. But this bounce was insane. It just went up like 5% in 45 minutes. We’re still having like a 2-month shutdown.

Paging all the “so easy to time the market in a crisis” geniuses who presumably loaded up on stocks before Cheeto MC’d the CEO parade.


I unloaded the last of my funds (about 1/3 of my portfolio - rest was already in cash). I was ready to unload them on a bounce 1/4 this size.

I have a feeling we’re going to get some bad news over the weekend. Another country - maybe Germany is going to announce an impending hospital crunch. It will be impossible to pretend Italy is a one-off anymroe.

If not and this is the bottom and there is no more hospital crunch outside Italy in Western countries - I’ll take it.

I agree, I’m just not trying to time it and sticking to my plan. Having dry powder when we go lower gives me a long-term hedge against trying to time it now, even if it does seem predictable.

There’s also a non-zero chance that we managed to miraculously avoid over-stressing the hospitals in NYC, Seattle, Boston, etc throwing the kitchen sink at it juuuuust in the nick of time.

I forgot to tell you guys to load up on stocks yesterday at close, sorry. I did it though, was tremendous.


Didn’t buy right before the speech… bought even lower at yesterday’s closing price. Thanks, working hard!

That’s disingenuous. Nobody said you could predict the daily movements or that every movement is predictable. Sorry though that the situation in China impacting the markets wasn’t fucking obvious to you like it was to others.

To be clear, I’ve been buying the whole way down from ~25,500 so still down total. Not claiming to be able to time w/ perfection, suggesting otherwise is strawmaning.

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Hell of a ride.

some incredible fuckery going on with gold miner ETFs, never seen anything like it

take a look at GDX, GDXJ, amd especially JNUG

Yup, I’m still holding at 60:40. Plan to move to 70:30 at Dow 20k. If the market somehow hits Dow 26k next week, I’m moving back to 50:50.

Wtf vtsax

My perpetual goldbug buddy was all over me to invest in gold last night. I guess NOW is the perfect buying opportunity!

He’s like gold went up 6x since the 90s! Yeah and the DOW went up 10x.

My entry points are 12k and 29k. I can most definitely time the market and will soon be very rich. Working hard, thank you.

What? It tanked yesterday. Hasn’t settled today yet right?


I’m sure nobody here is similarly math-challenged, but I just had to remind a buddy that a 10% drop followed by a 10% gain doesn’t get you back where you started. :grinning:


I’m about 60:40 and looking to get fully invested by end of next week. Think we are near peak Corona panic.

swongs itt