Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Decent sized publicly traded company!

Ok guys, Trump press conference coming up. Are we all going full @suzzer99 here and shorting the market in advance of the inevitable panic as Trump unsuccessfully tries to convince the world that he is capable for anything?

Why? Wouldn’t you rather work really hard for two months, then get paid to watch Netflix for the rest of your life?

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I actually do think your theory is really interesting though and there could be something to it that isn’t being considered by most people.

I mean, it’s not that hard people, stream movies on your tv, not your work computer. Use your work computer as a coaster. C’mon!

I am an admitted IT idiot, but why would people watching Netflix through their home network affect your work network? That’s a genuine question because I don’t understand anything lol

Being part of a monolithic corporation obviously has downsides, but our controls are pretty good. At least as they relate to making sure employees don’t screw around. They blocked 2+2, for example, and I suspect it may have been from my own activity, lol. I used to browse the STT, Politics, and Sporting Events forums round the clock at work. They haven’t caught on to UP yet so I am still able to be on here basically all day while I’m doing other stuff.

I will also say, as much as my politics drift left (thanks guys!) and I form increasingly negative opinions about large corporations, my company nailed it on COVID-19. Strong messaging that the health of employees and their families come before the company and even our clients. Daily updates and reminders on best practices. Office by office determinations of whether work from home should be implemented. Our leadership is on the ball on this. So credit where credit is due.

I have a very very small play in a few work from home and video conferencing stocks, but I’m not adventurous (stupid?) enough to go shorting commercial real estate companies. A little under 1% of my portfolio is in CTXS, WORK, ZM.

I think work from home was going to grow over the next 10 years anyway, this may speed it up. I looked for the biggest publicly traded companies, and picked the ones that were in the best position relative to debt and/or current size, so they should withstand a recession better than their competitors.

Video conferencing is another one. You don’t need it for typical WFH, but I think companies may realize after cancelling all these conferences and such that they weren’t ever really necessary, and were hurting the bottom line.

Don’t know about @Riverman but for my company any time I log on I cannot access any work files without going through the corporate VPN. So if I am logged on I am flowing data through the corporate network.

Thanks, that’s probably it. Like I said, it was a genuine question.

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Berkshire Hathaway cancels in-person annual meeting. :frowning:

It’s the right thing to do, and not super surprising, but still a little sad.

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Did the fund that bought Art Van make money on their investment? I suspect the answer is that they lost money.

To be clear, this business strategy is perfectly logical. It’s easy to understand how a sharp-elbowed or unethical fund can buy a business, make it more valuable by screwing over whoever they have the leverage to screw over, and then pocket a bunch of cash. Totally with you on that.

What doesn’t make sense is the idea that you can buy a company without investing cash, take a bunch more cash out of it, then walk away. That’s what doesn’t happen.

It happens all the time. Somebody almost always has to put SOME cash up, it just isn’t the guys doing the looting.

Between this and March Madness (Omaha was a 1st weekend host), I’d imagine the city is gonna get hammered. Tons of businesses rely on the big events like Berkshire, CWS, and (every few years) MM for a large portion of their yearly revenue.

A vulture capitalist white knight appears! (again)

Lol I was watching the DOW oscillate on my phone driving to work. I figured he spoke.

I’m not doing funds anymore for a while. It sucks knowing I’d happily sell right now but Mussolini is going to tank the market before close.

Umm, who is it?

Rational markets y’all :+1::us:

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I’m not going to do it because my dry powder is my hedge and I don’t want to try to time the markets, but this presser is bullshilt, this rally is bullshit, and I’m tempted to exit stage left and buy back in when it craters on Monday. But selling and being wrong is worse than selling and being right is good, so I’ll just ride it out.

Like a parade of CEOs is not a response to a pandemic. Sorry. You can’t privatize pandemic response.