Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

CC: @BadPokerAnalogy




the brokerage get interest on the loan. Also the shorter have to provide collateral, which is where the hedge fund were out of luck and needed a bailout.

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Pre-market opens in 15 minutes; I’ll watch it briefly but plan to jump on AMC, which has been pushed at least as much as GME in the discord all night. BB still being pushed too.

Friend has a limit order at 15 for 500 AMC at market open, there’s like 0 chance it’s not higher than 15 by then I assume.

Hard to say, it seems there are some counterparties trying to exploit the low volume and drive prices down. Right now it’s only 15.35. But the open is a long time away so I’d say your friend’s order is an underdog to be filled.

Edit: >17 now all of a sudden. Multiple memes climbing

You can sell your stock whenever you want, it being borrowed doesn’t matter.

Those shorting pay borrowing costs. I think gme is over 30% now. In most scenarios, the brokerage is just keeping all of this, but in some scenarios (usually not just your ordinary retail investor) some of that gets passed on to the person who owns the stock.

As stocks trade hands, especially if they are heavily shorted, it can happen that a particular brokerage can no longer locate shares for a short to borrow and shorts can be forced to cover that way, or the borrowing costs can increase significantly.

I suspect hedge funds play by a completely different set of rules (much more advantageous than what the retail investors plays by) so I don’t know how much of this applies.

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CLVS waking up :eyes:

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I think what is happening behind the scenes is you get your lent stock back to sell and the brokerage quickly relocates different shares for the shorter to borrow. But in most scenarios shares are flying around liquidly enough it’s about like asking whether you got the same drop of water back that you poured into the ocean.

In AMC for an avg price of 16.73. Still in BB because these hands are solid diamond (and because the reddit came back up & the tanking stopped just as I was starting to panic).

SNDL piquing my interest. Maybe NAKD even though I’m rather late for that. If GME dips to 300ish at the open I might hop in for like 1 or 2 shares even though that’s nuts

GME is going over 500 before open. Absolutely nuts.

ETA:. maybe 600

Holy fuck, GME 450

I told y’all.

When the Biden Administration starts the book burnings I’m ratting out your Thomas Sowell collection.

lol GME almost up 30% in pre market jfc

$455 a share

Does this mean the shares will be diluted and the price will see an initial drop?


#stonks now trending US twitter


Zee Germans?