1k tomorrow.
5k Monday.
0 Tuesday
1k tomorrow.
5k Monday.
0 Tuesday
Yeah definitely forgot which thread I was in.
So my sell limit of 4200.69 needs to be adjusted?
Koss almost up 100% in pre market
It’s amazing to me. Regardless of where we all end up on our AMC trades, we’ve literally saved the movie theater business because of how much AMC has been able to improve their books during all of this.
They’ve added amc strikes up to 40 lmao
KOSS was 4$ less than 72 hours ago.
What is the best way for a buy ETFs, rebalance once a year, noob like me to get in on this with a couple grand I’m willing to gamble as if I’m playing roulette?
No grudges if I lose some. Mostly looking for a covid boredom sweat. Lol
This is the top
AAL up 80% pm
Maybe not the top but 98% of the way there. I’m assuming having access to you people itt frees up that 2%.
KOSS up 150% in pre market lol
Robinhood banning stocks
Robinhood took GME AMC NOK BB BBY off the market for trading. You can’t buy more, can only close your positions. Literally rigged.