Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

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Pension fund manager makes $300k

Pension fund manager invests $200 million in hedge fund

Hedge fund makes $4 million in management fees plus 20% of gross returns (not above benchmark)

You can see the incentive for hedge fund manager to bribe pension fund manager


If the short sellers aren’t lying and are actually out then I’m not sure this can bust. The stock can’t stay at these levels for more than a shortish period of time and there, by definition, are going to be bagholders, I’m not sure when this is back at $25 that I’d call what happened a bust. Not sure what the end game is actually. For better or worse they just won’t be allowed to do this indefinitely.

Maybe. I would lean towards the billion dollar institutions and rich people learning their lessons and preventing anything like this from ever happening again.

The hill in Auburn that the Muckleshoot Casino is on is called Pig Hill by old-timers because there used to be a Piggly Wiggly up here. A Piggly Wiggly we used to shoplift from… allegedly…

This actually is one place there are regulations with teeth. Anything of value, including political donations, to anyone with decision power at a pension like that and the hedge fund is barred from taking fees for (I think) five years on that money and it actually is enforced. Obviously I’m sure still some rule breaking, but the can’t take fees part means firms actually don’t fuck around with this much. Traces back to corruption the New York system driving regulation iirc.

Pension funds are desperate for returns and forced to chase in a zero rate world driving a lot of it, but that’s a fucking over for another day.


Counting rockets is technical analysis.


Current price targets:

AMC 100 :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:
EXPR 50 :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:
NOK 50 :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:
NAKD 350 :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Steve Cohen has never made money without cheating


Yeah, there won’t be a copy of this soon in all likelihood but there will be some insane shit come spring I can guarantee it.

meh, I got next week when the new casual investors discover penny stocks

My biggest regret is that I got into AMC at $2.05 in my SEP-IRA and not my Roth. Could have had 8x tax free.

@goofyballer I got this to celebrate the big win. It’s very different than the pechuga, which I really grew to like after I got over it being filtered through a chicken breast. This one is filtered through Iberico ham, it’s kind of sweet and syrupy, but very heady. Not sure how I feel yet.



Same went for the college/high school kids in the mid-2000s getting rich on online poker when they could put 100% of their winnings back into their bankroll. Not just the $$ boost, but the lack of stress of having to pay rent.

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I predict they’ll reorganize and pop a few more, but there will never be another GME. Once they get hit in the mouth trying to rally GME on the way down, they’ll be a lot more skittish about the next one.

My mom joined a pyramid scheme in the 80s. I’ll never forget it because I got to play with 10 $100 bills and it was the most money I could even imagine ever seeing. It ended badly of course. But the guy who got her into it was nice enough to give her $500 back.

Or just look at tulipmania. This is the exact same thing but with internet-level organization and short squeezes.

15% loss? These guys shorted a stock that went up 1,000% and they only lost 15%? Fuck, even when these guy lose they win.

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Yeah wtf is that Topshot bullshit? Some guy in a Discord I’m in made a bunch off stonks and YOLO’D $75k into it and had $500k two weeks later. I don’t get.

I own bout $3500 worth of @clovis motherfucker. Looking forward to cashing out $70k.