Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I convinced him to sell half pre-market and the rest later on in the day. Ez 3x+ overnight.

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Stop loss?


Its a fad based on opening packs be it Pokémon, baseball, basketball, magic, fifa, nba 2k or whatever is addictive as shit and basketball is popular.

He lost 15% of $19 billion wasting $2.75 billion bailing out his former insider trading partner errrrrrr colleague

LOL (warning for some, I think this is satire)


I don’t understand how any of this works but I remember Christian Bale in The Big Short almost going completely busto with a short position that was essentially correct. Now I’m seeing that you can short a defunct business that magically increases an order of magnitude and basically be as wrong as you can possibly be and you only lose 15%? I don’t get any of this shit, the memes make more sense to me.


Ironically, Christian Bale played Trump deplorable Michael Burry in that movie, who ended up making a fortune on that trade and was also in the vanguard of the short squeeze on GME to the tune of like 300 mil this time.


Nobody owns a Clovis8.


I’m an alcoholic and drink everything with vigor but damn mezcal is rough. I assume I have only had the trash they serve at AI Mexican resorts?

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Presumably they have other positions.

Yeah don’t ever drink Monte Alban. Get some good stuff. You can sip it with an orange wedge and some sugar.

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The guy that lost 15% only lost that much because he only gave 15% of his fund to his buddies who had a shit load of short positions and were getting destroyed by Reddit. He lost 100% of his couple billion sent to his buddy


The wife and I swore off the lazy AI vacations like 4 years ago and never looked back. I just haven’t been back to Mexico since. We need to go to Mexico City and it is on the agenda. I’m sure whatever I have had was terrible and meant to satiate the “adventerous” but idiotic American AI resort guest.

Enjoy the score and the mezcal. The sooner we can get you telling tales from the road the better for all of us.

Wow BFI looks completely dead. They’re barely even discussing this unless there’s some thread I’m missing.

Yeah I went to an AI wedding in the Dominican Republic. The drinks were all pretty mediocre and watered down. I’m couldn’t even get a buzz on the pina coladas. But the staff was really cool and friendly.

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How much does “the good stuff” cost? Because shit man you can get a mediocre bottle of single malt for fifty bucks and you don’t need to drink it with no goddamn orange wedge and sugar.

BTW right around election time you talked up Grouse as a good cheap blended scotch. I have drank tons of scotch but never that one. I agree that it is really good at that price point and have been mixing it in ever since.

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