Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

BB making an after-hours comeback!

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I would guess plenty of rich people are not investing in hedge funds.

And on a Mac, it’s CMD-CTRL-SPACE. You can also add an emoji button to the menu bar in System Preferences > Keyboard. :gem::raised_hands:

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Posting this from WSB as it’s kind of hype.

“No matter what happens the next few days hold with some diamond fucking hands my brothers, this is the endgame. i have some visibility and this is something I’ve been wanting to get off my chest: we saw how fast gme dropped due to panic, this is the only weapon they have. Not only did gme drop but bb, nok and amc too. The wsb etf cannot succeed if we do not hold gme. They will use every sort of dirty trick up their sleeves to scare us and the only defense is to hold and buy at the dip. This is not about making money this is about standing up to the people that have been fucking us our entire lives.
Remember: The GameStop saga is a battle of new school vs. old school, amateur vs. professional, rebels vs. the establishment. At the moment, “the kids” are winning. Let’s go GME, let’s go the 99% :rocket:
Edit: you cheap bastard, I want the Ternion all-powerful award. Jk jk, please don’t give awards just go buy fucking GME tomorrow morning. Edit 2: please buy at your own risk, I am not responsible for anything, these are just my thoughts.”

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Performance is terrible but they can get you into great golf clubs!

All kinds of institutional investors. Pensions, endowments, etc.

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It busts and then we go back to them posting memes and gradually losing money over time. This is a once in a lifetime thing.


Most of the hedge funds that market to pension plans sell their stable returns. They often try to manufacture strategies that are resilient to up and down markets.

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I think this is right, unfortunately. It’s just such a perfect combination of factors that I can’t imagine we’ll ever see something this strong again. Sure there will be attempted P&Ds, and WSB may still have some wins, but this will always be the shining moment.

of course it is wall street has learned a valuable lesson and will never short a stock this much ever again


The new Apple silicon Macbooks have an emoji button, it’s a waste most of the time but now :rocket::rocket::rocket:


Wait wait wait wait wait.




Holy shit… I’ve had this thing since release and just now figured that out. :rocket:


Well, I’ll have to buy some SNDL so I can get one of them fancy ones :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

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not a meme stock yet but it meets the initial criteria they’re trying

It really wasn’t. We’ve had like, 3-4 insane bubbles or money making opportunities every year for the last 5 years. Think of the election, the basketball .gifs going for 100k and this, they all happened within 3 months!

the internet has really accelerated these opportunities, felt like they all used to be once in a decade

the point is this exact one is not likely to be replicated for quite some time

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Meh, “hold with diamond hands” is what the bagholders always say.

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Musk tweeted. 1000 tomorrow