Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Nope, i was a member for a long time and still can’t access. But i was a lurker so maybe that is a criteria.

uh, is it all over, did they win

I’m only shocked it took this long for the people with actual power to shut this down.

Them shutting down reddit ended the run? Lol wat

Buy the dip


They should take it to old school IRC

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Not stonks


Friend says he’s been on Wsb for 7 years, but doesn’t contribute alot and he doesn’t have access.

interesting thread


It’s showing 0 members, GME down 100+, fuckery afoot!

It’s going to moon so hard when they go public again

GME trades on the New York stock exchange, so does AMC and NOK.

The tweet looks like it might have spooked someone thought because aftermarket is a blood bath right now.

I was a member of WSB but I cannot access it.

To be fair this is because it was once only the domain of the Uber wealthy.

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I see your :bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini: and raise you image image image image image image image image .


Amazing they claim to be doing this to protect the little guy, and all the retail investors that piled in the last week are about to get wrecked to save the hedge funds.

Looks like WSB got the Trump twitter treatment.

I doubt this story is over. There’s almost assuredly big money on both sides now.

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This too. They pulled the plug WTF.

What if PHE, parent company of Adam and Eve, went public?

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