Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

WSB reddit now private

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They mean maintain a plausible argument that markets are somewhat efficient, so that our whole careers aren’t obviously meaningless.



there’s already a new reddit Reddit - Dive into anything

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Lol amazing

I always am down to make some money but I kind of draw the line at speculating on political outcomes. This seems somehow even crazier to me.

That tweet about nasdaq/halting trading is just all sorts of wow.

It’s all AMC

Don’t be fooled.

GME or we lose everything

Just caught up. Now I’m thinking about getting into this STONKS game, which is about as certain a warning as any that it’s all about to go to shit.

What should I be buying now?


blockbuster has been supposedly going off


wait, discord banning wsb means it’s off reddit??!?

bc it’s off reddit

Discord banned WSB and then the reddit went private, 2 separate events

wsb elite has been around for a while

I don’t understand any of this. Now I know how my poor dad felt when he got old and skills like programming a VCR were like some kind of voodoo magic. (Of course, half of you have probably never owned a VCR lol.)


I have it on good authority Reddit was paid money by big hedge funds to make WSB private

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So everybody that was already a member can still access it?

what the FUCK.

and the stock just happens to be down $90 at the same time

GME drilling :eyes:

No I have a friend who says he’s been on there for years and he doesn’t have access.

Nope, I’m locked out too. My comments there are wiped from my history too.