Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Too much GME profits being put into hookers and blow, not enough in to the other meme stocks

The other meme stocks are a ploy to stop GME from mooning.

Sell everything.

Buy GME.


I’m on the meme stock train!

Bought AMC at 13.90 sold at 18.90. Put the ~350 profit into CLVS weekly puts. HODL until moon or bust!

Nothing wrong at all with buying $12 calls. They’re a million percent in the money, so it’s like making a slightly leveraged purchase of the underlying stock.


I suck worse, I was eyeing it since yesterday. Was gonna buy it this morning but let my stupid finance bro rope me into an hours-long video chat.

I have to think of what other niche items I have by publicly traded companies. I use a blackberry phone (that’s right, in 2021) and I have a pair of koss headphones. It was like Fate was setting me up to get rich and I didn’t listen.

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with everything else going down after hours

nakd went up just to under $2. was under 1 earlier today, I know this because I bought it earlier today.

beat, I did that with the remaining $ in the account for funsies

CLVS making a small move after hours after a horrible end to the session.

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From what I looked up recently, it takes places through ECN’s. But you don’t have to actually join one to participate. Interactive Brokers lets you trade after hours by routing your orders to whichever networks it needs to. (I’m guessing Robinhood & other retail-grade platforms don’t offer this feature.)

To those who have lost money recently, I’m sorry for not sleeping with more dudes. To those who have made money recently, please venmo some cash to the poorest lesbian you know :slight_smile:


I bought 200 shares of NAKD at $.92 . Hoping the reddit meme folks get behind a company that deals in womens lingerie. Sounds like an easy winner.

Over $2.50 now :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

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Got my Level 2 approval! And safely moved the core of the nest egg out of my gambling account.

What is the threshold for getting dinged as a day trader, and what happens if you do get dinged? I read you have to have at least $25k in the account for some reason? Will they just restrict me from selling within the same day until I sign an agreement?

Based on this thread, I’ll look at CLVS, KSS (maybe collateral improvement from KOSS - up 5% today), and NAKD tomorrow.


Gotta changed NAKD from rocketship to :bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini::bikini:

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almost $3

damnit how do you do rockets on here

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I need about tree fiddy! Lets goooo! :airplane: :airplane: :rocket: :rocket:

it’s half way there from a minute ago


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I just type the word and the iPhone keyboard gives me the image

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go here for rockets (and other emojis). This is why you aren’t a memelord stonk master.