Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Well it wasnt convincing enough cuz i didnt buy it! Lol

How many rocket ships?

EARNINGS: Tesla Q4 EPS $0.80 Adj. vs. $1.01 Est.; Q4 Revs. $10.74B vs. $10.40B Est. •



BB spiraling! Save us WSB!

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I didn’t double my money today. Are we sure this strategy even works? :thinking:

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I ain’t skerred

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Thats a buying opportunity baby.

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Employees probably more likely to get restricted stock than options. The downside is that they are going to get taxed, depending on how this is set up, at ordinary income rates for like a $300 value of the stock. Most employees are probably frozen from doing anything with it until the next earnings release/trading window unless they have a 10b5 plan in place that preplans sales according to predetermined rules (and those 10b5s probably sold off much of the stock well below peak). When employees sell the stock they received at $300 they’ll realize a capital loss, but they’ll need cap gains to offset. So honestly this is mostly just a tax headache for employees unlucky enough to have comp granted this week if this is a one week pump and dump.

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Looks like he sold another 300 calls but is still holding the 50k shares




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remember everyone mewling sell sell sell when his whole account was worth 3 million or whatever. Dude has 14 million straight cash and it’s a third of his account value.


I saw KOSS at 34 and was like nah, it’s too high it can’t moon from here and didn’t post rockets with it sorry everyone

like I posted about it a few times and didn’t buy it LOL me I suck


so a few hedge funds need liquidity and sold some of the bigger stocks right?

TBH I’m surprised that there’s anyone buying those $12 April calls lol, I assumed he’d have to hold until exercise

there are people still buying trump to be president in march

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Does anyone else have this issue with the RH app where certain stocks will have a different price flicker for a second before flipping back to the actual price? It’s usually close enough to the real price to make you briefly think that it jumped.

Subliminal messaging by Citadel of course.

Me too.

Why hasn’t it done anything after close? Make it do something.

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