Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Yeah, i am onboard the “nobody is actually doing anything deceptive here so it’s probably not illegal” train.


How utterly irrelevant is Gamestop’s CEO right now? Literally none of this price movement has anything to do with the company’s fundamentals. LOL at the idea of him holding meetings and making decisions right now - nothing he does matters. Their next earnings conference call is probably going to be flooded with kpop stans trying to send emojis over the phone lines.


That sounds like the best meeting ever.

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He matters if they issue a bunch of shares to raise money. Criminally incompetent if they don’t.

The entire market tank is accelerating but it’s still nothing compared to those multiple circuit breaker days last March.

It would take more facts to change the story. Like, if someone on WSB was getting paid by Gamestop to pump the stock online that would be fraud. But if someone is doing it on their own, and they are not actually selling the securities, it’s hard to pin anything on them.

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lol CNN and MSNBC are going to keep doing this with everything, culminating with “How Trumpism Explains The Precipitous Decline In CNN Ratings” in about eight months.


I’m up a paycheck and a half in 6 hours and I’m slightly disappointed

CNBC displaying GME’s ticker in the Index spot live while Jerome is speaking. This is truly historic.


Oh absolutely. I think the most hilarious announcement in the world would be something like, “We are thrilled that the market has shown so much enthuasiasm for our company and its strategy. We share that enthusiasm; so much so that we have authorized a repurchase program of up to $10 billion.”

I don’t know that this CEO is dumb enough to do that, but I’m convinced that some CEO is dumb enough to do that.

Up 40% in the 40 minutes since I made this post. :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


What if you’re a Gamestop executive and you’re issued stock options today? How does that work, could someone conceivably get screwed by getting options at this jacked up price and not be able to sell till after the crash?

If you’re issued options today, you’re kind of screwed because they’re going to have an insanely high strike price, and so will almost certainly be worthless.

But those options wouldn’t vest for several years, at which point Gamestop is probably going to be worthless anyway, so no harm done really.


And if they’re holding vested options right now they can probably retire tomorrow anyway.

hahaha I’m an idiot, I didn’t realize until your post that stock options are literally options, I guess just like other put options except you probably can’t sell them like DeepFuckingValue can with his?

Absolutely. Some of them may get Restricted Share Units at today’s price, not able to sell until they vest in X months.

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It’s got to suck for GME as a company to have their stock be this inflated.

On the one hand, you’ve got to have plenty of execs who are now worth a ton. I’d expect to see some cash out and leave. For any newer execs, you can’t pay them in stock or options because they know by the time they can sell them they’ll be likely worthless.

Yes, except like other call options. Giving your employees put options would give them the incentive to tank the company.

But this brings up an important point: I said earlier in the thread that it (virtually) never makes sense to exercise options early, since there (virtually) always worth more than the intrinsic value you’d get from exercising and selling. Just sell the option instead.

The big exception to that rule is employee stock options, because they are non-transferable. So it’s perfectly reasonable to exercise employee stock options well before they expire. Echoing earlier conversations, I’d be exercising them as soon as they vest (assuming they’re in the money) because I wouldn’t want to add single-stock risk to my employment risk.

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Maybe I just don’t understand how to navigate reddit because I never use it, but I’m not exactly seeing the analysis the Chamath is saying exists there. It’s literally nonstop rocket emojis, hodls, screenshots of balances, to the moon.

I get the fuck the establishment sentiment, but if you’re going to wsb for analysis, good luck.

Eh, it’s just a minor correction. Market has been way too hot for way too long based on nothing.