Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Put, call, I always mix those up.

Hey is it hard to open a robin hood options account?

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Sound like you’re an expert, my friend.


those Chamath interviews are amazing. I mean he’s clearly a bit full of shit too, but the amount of shit from the anchor is just mind blowing.


Most companies won’t even let their employees buy puts on the company in any circumstances.

honestly his answers in the ‘own’ part aren’t that great. The right answer should be Omar going ‘i got the tiktoks, you got the hedge funds. It’s all in the game’.


Koss is up 560% today.

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KOSS crushing now, up to 66

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holy shit

They should do an offering right away

Of course I miss on this one while everything I bought is only up 20%

There are no exaggerated claims here. Traditionally boiler room pump and dumps and even the yahoo schemes involve people making false claims about businesses to get unwitting people to invest.

That is not what is happening here at all.

Next 2 days are ours.

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I’m a complete moron, but as far as I understand it executing a short squeeze of that magnitude is very hard to do in a legal way. It requires a ton of money and a highly coordinated effort (where it becomes iffy if done in the ‘traditional’ way).

A bunch of redditors just realized that they can organize the billion of dollars from an infinite amount of small private investors.

It’s super interesting to me from a social/political standpoint. Which also explains why i don’t make any money like the rest of the guys here.

How Trumpism Explains The Particulars Of My Divorce Settlement


Only if he were lying and making false claims about a company in order to get people to invest in companies he has a stake in and deems to profit of off.

Just talking about stocks, even if you are lying, is not a crime without all the elements.

clueless question but are we still in short squeeze territory? Like if I owned a hedge fund and had a short position on a dinosaur retail a-la KOSS yesterday, shouldn’t I close it before the masses?

someone’s still holding the bag

sector rotation into memes, what a time to be alive

Closing it means buying shares. Which means driving the price up to do so. Some combo of joe blow hearing about it and piling in, nobody selling, and shorts being forced to buy is what we are seeing.

Yea lol the broader market tanking so that people can free up money to buy memes.