Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Fuck you! I did the same thing 1.5 hours ago. Thanks a lot.

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yeah we’re about 1/3 of the way to the inflection point as far as I can see.


Here is part of Chamath owning CNBC that CNBC didn’t upload to their Youtube




I’m moving to California so I can vote for this guy for governor

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Section 9 of the Securities Exchange Act? I don’t think that applies, it deals mostly with the act of trading and trading activity. I dont think saying “I really hope this stock goes to 30” on a message board counts.

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He knew lol.

I have, which will surprise you not a little, been speculating … in English stocks, which are springing up like mushrooms this year … and are forced up to quite an unreasonable level and then, for the most part, collapse. In this way, I have made over £400.

Engels liked a flutter, too.

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For sure. The shorting can impact struggling business’ ability to get financing, work with vendors and much more.

There is nothing good about shorting unless you a financial predator who doesn’t care about what damage you do.

Everyone else should be “why is this a thing?”

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Wow this anchor a colossal douche, fuck all those people and fuck the hedge funds.


I love how he tried to feign concern for the retail investors. lol you’re worried about your hedge fund buddies, stfu.

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chamath also thinks lowering the state tax to zero will double state revenues

sure he’ll make a great ca gov

he’s pro teacher at least I guess

Seems like there is a lot of trading activity taking place. Yes, section 9.

Holy shit I finally caught up on the game stop story. This is fucking awesome.


Right, but those market manipulation rules are mostly about trades designed to mislead. Like a broker is not allowed to agree with another broker to trade a block of securities back and forth to create the the illusion of high trade volume in that security. I dont think public cheerleading is illegal.

He quadrupled GameStonk. He could at least double California revenues. At least.

Just remembered I bought my PS5 from gamestop a few weeks ago so I think its pretty clear who the real hero is here.


I am afraid this is exactly what democrats will do, because the donor class so heavily involves those who are “hurt” by this.

Obviously the right thing is to not do anything and not capitulate to the “LolFreeMarketers”.

There’s a couple of good examples here of actual SEC findings against people using the internet to fraudulently impact stock prices. This is the kind of stuff they are looking out for.

Hot off the ‘Oh for sure man’ presses:

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This wasn’t really possible to even due until the last few years when trading fees went away for small traders.