Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

No one listens to him.

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koss was under 4 at this post 2 days ago it’s over 30 now of course

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Kinda demotivational to work when I just made $2k on Nokia in an hour.

This must be what it feels like to go from crack dealer to working at McDonalds.


Cramer used to move markets back in the glory late 90s.

The key there is “false, misleading or greatly exaggerated”. If the case for buying is 1. They are heavily shorted and 2. fuck you, I don’t see anything false about that.

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For those who think government is going to act? What exactly are they going to do? It’s not exactly clear what they can do. Maybe they can bust some individuals who worded their posts badly. But it’s pretty clear that they have broken the system, and there doesn’t appear to be an obvious fix. That’s what has the establishment pissed off.

WDM you’re bringing down the rocket ships with your bad vibes.


What were the false, misleading or greatly exaggerated statements?

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Just bought 400 shares of CLVS at $8.85. Gotta ride this high until the feds throw cold water on it.

I’ll have you know that they make great headphones, and people are finally catching on! This surge is pure fundamental value!


afaik deepfuckingvalue also never told people to buy anything, just posted screenshots of his position and responded with seinfeld gifs


Have you ever been to WSB before?

Nakd has been pushed on reddit all of a sudden today, and it’s surging.

Can someone go on there and get them in CLVS and AMCX please?

I am not aware of anyone getting charged on pump and dump for securities traded on an exchange though. It’s always penny stocks.

Never even heard of it.

I guess Gamestop just dropped PS5 bundles…

CLVS is actually super cheap for calls, even for next Friday.

Wow yeah CLVS hasn’t even ripped yet. I’m still holding BB though but if the BB dream fails I may have to get in CLVS.

It’s alsto only at like 10% of its ATH

Really interesting spot. There’s big institutional money on both sides of this. Also, to stop it they will have to literally change how markets work. If I had to predict I’d say they let this situation go to fruition and then immediately pass laws to prevent it from happening again.

I’m certainly not going to shed a tear if some hedge fund vampires get staked.