Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

That might be true of GME but a company like EXPR only had 12% short interest when I looked yesterday.

GME has a very juicy forward P/E of -2807.48. LOL

Yes, but would you really want to bet against EXPR pulling a full GME and going to $100+.

I’m just happy it’s moving. Had been sitting like this for awhile

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If I had unlimited money sure. There are hedge funds worth more than the market cap of these companies. The fact WSB is being allowed to just absolutely wreck the pros is the surprising part to me I guess.

Have you considered the business model of sponsoring WSB and printing stock once in a while?

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lol what could “the dems” actually do about this ridiculous situation anyways, “we forbid reddit memelords from buying shitty stock and hodling”?

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Explain to me how the current WSB scheme that was initiated and cheerled for by 1 person is any different from a yahoo message board pump and dump that was shut down 20 years ago? It seems pretty clearly illegal especially when 80% of the posts are about colluding to wreck hedge funds and the like.

But then the reddit memelords, who have amassed millions in their coffers at this point, will just lobby the dems aggressively to not interfere.

I that even illegal? There’s no insider trading going on.

Pump and dumps are illegal and have nothing to do with insider trading. The definition per wiki:

" Pump-and-dump is an illegal scheme to boost a stock’s price based on false, misleading or greatly exaggerated statements. Pump-and-dump schemes usually target micro- and small-cap stocks. People found guilty of running pump-and-dump schemes are subject to heavy fines"

That’s exactly what happened here.

Is KOSS another meme? They’re up 200% today.

Also, BB to 24! :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


How is this any different from Jim Cramer telling a bunch of CNBC viewers to buy a certain stock?


nope, just a heavily shorted stock that had a low price so it goes up

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I took my AMC profits and put it in some boring index funds. Pulled off the one last bank heist, now I’m gonna ride off into the sunset.



where are you seeing that it’s heavily shorted? I dont see it on

I mean it sort of isn’t. The difference is that Jim Cramer isn’t capable of successfully affecting a stock. If every time Cramer mentioned a stock it shot up 10,000% I’m going to go out on a limb and say the consequences would be different.

I might buy some AMC this afternoon and hope for that sweet after hours takeoff