Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

imagine an advisor trying to explain WSB to Biden


Ut oh

Also SPCE (Virgin Galactic) appears to be ripping today because it’s also heavily shorted.

Man it is not going to be a good look for democrats if, after decades of doing Jack shit for real people, they suddenly intervene on the side of fucking hedge funds. They have to know that, right? RIGHT?


I’m so confused. Are a bunch of redditors the first people to find this leak and now it’s going to take down the market?

The space is so incredibly saturated though. How will they compete long term with Amazon and proprietary streaming services by the big console and PC players?

I’m pretty convinced that is the way this thing ends. All kinds of securities laws have likely been broken. If I was the P&D ringleader at WSB I would be cashing out and leaving the country.

daily chart over the last 3 months really gives the best picture of this

lol, also this is someone that bought 1k at 13.7 and sold at 18.89, amazing

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They won’t. GME is as doomed as AMC and EXPR longer term.

Probably not, they are just the first people to find the leak that weren’t supposed to. The plebs aren’t permitted to have money. If we’re lucky we can get $15/hr minimum wage in 5 years.

FWIW the last couple have consistently resulted in all these meme stocks jumping 10+% during after-hours and premarket, as word of mouth and WSB chat gets everyone progressively hyped-up.

Naw they don’t care. We will get fucked just like always



Can someone explain why the non-destroyed institutional investors/hedge funds wouldn’t just short the hell out of these companies now? There is a 0% chance GME is trading anywhere near this in a month. It seems like the freest money of all time.

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Because it could easily go to 10k first

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Limited shares to borrow.

Maybe the next stimulus will come in the form of Robinhood credits


Nokia on the move and dropping like a rock. I may have to start selling my ass on onlyfans.

Edit: never mind back up again.


The odds of that happening have to be close to 0%. For one thing the government is going to intervene at some point.

"Hey, what is this malarkey about me, and why don’t they think I can spell? "

“No, Mr. President, that is not a caricature of you. That is Meme Man, and the spelling is incorrect because it sounds funnier that way.”

They’re afraid of getting squeezed. I wasn’t kidding when i said we should put wsb in charge of regulating shorts.