Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Imagine being Jim Cramer and realizing you have less actual influence than some random goofball on Reddit.


I mean would it shock anyone here to see GME at below 50 in a week? Obviously this could run for a while but the underlying company is a complete POS who is more likely to be bankrupt than ever be worth 1/10th of it’s current market cap. It isn’t a matter of if, it is a matter of when.

Gamespot could just buy a profitable company now, right? I have no idea how any of this works.

Sir this is a casino.


No company would take GME stock in an acquisition.

GME would need to do an offering and get cash for the acquisition. Could be done, but they would need to act fast before the bubble pops.

Imagine being a GME executive watching this shit and you can only sell your stonk or exercise options or w/e during quarterly windows.


gamestop has a lot of cash they won’t go bankrupt for awhile

I’m betting there are no online brokers that let you set up a new account and imm[quote=“WichitaDM, post:7989, topic:136, full:true”]
I mean would it shock anyone here to see GME at below 50 in a week? Obviously this could run for a while but the underlying company is a complete POS who is more likely to be bankrupt than ever be worth 1/10th of it’s current market cap. It isn’t a matter of if, it is a matter of when.

Can’t they really quickly issue more stock and make mint? I guess that requires shareholder buyin, is that the issue?

I’m not saying it is imminent. I am saying it is inevitable barring some major reimagining of their business which I suppose is possible.

Why is AMC still jumping around but NOK seems to be halted for good? I need at least a 3-banger today. Gotta pay rent and feed the kids man. Down to the last can of Sphagetti-Os.

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That is literally what AMC did. They issued a bunch of new stock Monday and it likely extended the time period they can survive. They had the paperwork already ready to go though. From what others have posted here the main hurdle is you need to do some kind of a SEC filing before you issue stock. By the time that happens and the time runs GME is likely not selling at $332/share.

EXPR isn’t even at $1B market cap yet. Lots of room to run on that one! :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

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Jesus, how many fucking stocks is this happening too? This is absolutely going to be a devastating market pop.


About 350


It’s gonna pop at some point or we’re all gonna end up on the moon! :rocket:

It’s pretty much all of the worst and most previously depressed stocks also.

Nokia is in timeout apparently. It needs to think about what it did.

These are the ones I’m tracking. I think there’s many more though.

As you can see, i’m ALL IN on the BB.


Chamath makes some good points but the “strong technical analysis” portion of the proceedings concluded several days ago.

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Its those

plus replace a letter on each of the tickers.