Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

BB :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

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If they decide to find a way to punish WSB posters, it’ll be via federal wire fraud provisions. They’ll choose to interpret all the “AMC to $100 rockets!” posts as fraudulent and because it happened on the internet that’s wire fraud.

Some of them were talking about CLVS a couple days ago or something.

BB GO UP :rocket::rocket:

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Just bought 100 shares, riding those suzzer coattails

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But “This stonk is heavily shorted by big hedge funds. Let’s fuck them!” is true, or at least not false or misleading.

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For fans of the technical analysis meme:




Ok I’m in on weekly calls for CLVS. Buyer beware lol.

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I’ve been around this forum too much to buy clovis shares.


I can’t sell my BB yet though cuz number go up. Figuring out when to sell is the hardest part. Reddit is saying something is going to happen on Friday for BB, idk what though, but it’s Reddit so i trust it

I’m maxed out on NOK and BB and you guys throw this CLVS on me… I’m panicking.

Yeah same. I’m getting overwhelmed by memes it’s hard to pick the right one

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AMC and NOK mooning. All the incels must take their adderall about this time of day or something.


Feb 15th, Biden signs into law the Financial Transaction Harassment Easement and Prevention Of Online Racketeering Syndicates Act.


Sir, this is not a pump and dump, this a pump and hodl. Checkmate SEC.


Now I want them prosecuted just for the court transcripts.

“Your honor, the entire transcript is in emojis.”


Giuliani has made emojis proper legal writing.

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Am I to believe that nowhere in the non-retail financial world is there coordination that approximates what WSB is doing here

Seems to me that they are fighting fire with fire here