Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)


cliffs are a bunch of people on the internet figured out if you buy stock in a massively shorted company that they will be unable to purchase shares to close those positions without paying significantly more for it and taking a big loss and you get a big gain, which means you get a parabolic curve if enough are on board with the plan. which happened

coupled with the memes and bonus of taking down a hedge fund or two or three idk how many are fucked here

Memes, bro.

Jesus, just read this:

Lol, this kinda makes it seem like the whole fucking system is really fucking dumb? Like if an army of redittors can face off against against an army of financebros, where the underlying asset doesn’t matter at all… Seems like maybe that’s a problem?


GME 30% off the highs now. Will it rip higher or is this the end. No one knows.

Also in bizarro GME world my puts are actually declining in value as the stock sinks because of the corresponding IV decline. I need it to rip back up or completely tank to show a profit.

I hear NOK every time.

Try posting more rockets. :rocket:

My golf forum is getting in. Gotta be the end.

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it’s not the system that’s the issue, some finance bros just really fucked up, overshorted a stock which created an exploit that got exploited.

but I’m a fan of consequences and they are not and will try to not have to suffer them obviously


How did they fuck up?

for gamestop, there are more shares of stock shorted than actual shares in existence.

with shorts, eventually you have to buy the stock, certain calls or puts have deadlines to that.

I’m talking about the 10-20 most shorted stonks.

If anybody needed proof that the market is all a shell game I guess this is it.

Way back pre internet days, wasn’t the stock of a company actually related to some underlying fundamentals? Seems like there’s a big disconnect today between company performance and stock price. Just legalized, government approved casino gambling now.

It’ll be a good thing if a bunch of normal people get rich and fuck the hedge funds.

Just sold my AMC.

Come on in mate, the water’s fine.



This seems illegal.

Lol, no thanks, I’ll stick with my retirement index funds, thank you very much. You cool kids with your bitcoin and your tik tok are too complicated for me.


It’s completely predatory for these hedge funds to short a stock into oblivion, and I think it’s a riot that they got caught with their pants down.