Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I have a 2 hour 10A PST meeting today. I expect when I check on my portfolio afterwards that that meeting will be the last one I ever have for my company.

GOGO EXPR :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


Make that 20x. I’m physically sick right now, like literally have nausea and shakes.

I had 300 contracts for $8 3/19 strike. In for $3k, collectively sold for $9k, and now…


I feel your pain.


lmao the candle on the chart for NOK is just completely missing

Nok added almost 20 billion in market cap in an hour.

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Anyone know the ticker symbol for Spencer’s Gifts and Wetzel’s Pretzels? Asking for a friend.


NOK is getting halted less than 5 seconds into trading over and over. This time for a 30% plunge.

Bought back into my GME put position at a 10% discount to try and get the rocket emojis going again.

Jfc GME has gone from 39.23 to 357 in 5 days. What bitcoin?


I’ve reached the point where I don’t care what happens now. I’m having so much fun sitting here watching graphs go crazy. My gambles are just the price of admission at this point.


How the hell am I supposed to get anything done today?


You could but a Vanguard ETF like a WIMP.

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The nerds are fleeing from AMC to NOK.

NOK went vertical and then crashed in the last 30 minutes.

Did incel redditors like Breaking Bad and Walking Dead? I hope so.


The shorts are fighting back - calling in a favor telling their long buddies to SELL SELL SELL.

But the virtuous incels will win the day!

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Every time GME halts after a plunge it immediately soars 10-20% afterwards. Insane.

One of these times the plunge in these stocks is going to be the real deal. That is going to be insane to see.