Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

If you’re a hedge fund at this point you’re covering your massive short position in any heavily-shorted stock, right? Seems like money could be made on that.

Almost all the ones in the top 10 list are up massively already. That may have already happened. The 2nd level play is going to be to hop back into shorts at some point in all of these. These stocks were all heavily shorted for a reason.

Then again I have never been right on STONKS once so there’s that.

People believe BTC is worth $1M. No one believes GME is worth $300.

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there are plenty of people who care more about the meme than the money, even if it is a lot. Also in 99 a bunch of people still never sold even when they would’ve been rich doing so because they thought they’d get more rich.

guess that’s the key difference, a bunch are just in it for the meme and dgaf.

NOK just went vertical

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You can’t buy only sell any of these meme stocks on trading 212 it’s UK robinhood equivalent

This is my favorite thing in a long time.


I’m wimping out and selling my GME puts for barely more than break even. The Friday expiration is worrying.

I probably just triggered the collapse.

This isn’t going to be as funny when it turns into LTCM 2.0.

I saw suzzer mention it earlier and I bought a small 60x NOK this morning at $5.38 (thanks Nate)!

Still hodor strong with my 109x AMC I picked up at $5.23 yesterday.

Unrelated, anyone know if we can add the stonks emoji to the forum (or who to talk to about that)?


NOK weeklies are 15 baggers today. The thing is, it probably has room to run from here.

Will be interesting to see what happens after the halt

Just see all these uppity people saying “THIS IS NOT A TOY! It is SRS BUSINESS!!!”

Now I’m annoyed I put half my Roth in AMCX.


Isn’t that mooning also lol.


Down for the day as of right now.

lol apparently Shkreli did the same thing. I have zero sympathy for people trying to pick up a nickel off the sidewalk by shorting the corpse of an obviously dead company and getting hit by a piano when some other asshole notices the huge short interest and buys the company and crushes your short position. You mess with the bull you get the horns, son.


EXPR is $13. My calls would have been a 10 bagger now. "/

This is crazy. I was thinking about doing another YOLO this afternoon but not if I log on tomorrow morning to find out I can’t sell it.

I think I’m hoping on NOK calls after it unhalts.

ETA-maybe not an instant +30% and halted again. Calls are now 60 baggers on the day.

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