Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I think it has to be waves, there will likely be buyers all the way down in this kind of hysteria.

I think it falls of a cliff all of the sudden.

It keeps getting halted on sharp drops and once trading starts again it starts soaring lol

Or it goes to 1000 and initiates a hostile takeover of Best Buy.



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every shorted stock is up bigly, amc is one of the lowest prices per share that make the list. basically, everyone’s trying to find the next gamestop

Gonna be crazy seeing what regs come out to protect the rich from reddit memelords.

right, this is all parabolic curves in markets timing is brutal tho

Not that any of this matters but the fact that video games have gone almost entirely digital and Gamestop is a B&M video game retailer that I assume doesn’t even own any of their locations makes this extra amazing.

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Lol. TD Ameritrade apparently preventing clients from making money on stonks


Not that I know anything but recent events suggest that trouble is very much a fake idea in this sphere.

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Translation: Rich people are getting fucked and it’s not supposed to work that way. Sorry plebes.


Also, I don’t think they send this out when they try to stop some idiot from investing $100k in some bum loser stock.

Nice that they care now.

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KOSS +267% and halted

Let’s go BB!!


Except there are zero true believers for this, seems like it will drop even faster.

3 to 30 in a week and none of that is reddit

Damn, Cinemark down from +12% to +2%.

Love it, congrats man.

I dunno, seems like there are a few true believes on WSB. The people who have made millions holding are completely insane imo.