Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I haven’t been to a casino in almost 2 years so I’m basically treating this as a gambling trip!


I don’t think I wagered enough to retire early. Leak. Just about $1.5k. Are you guys mostly buying the underlying stonk, or calls?

I’m not back in it for very much, like 10% of my winnings on AMC. The goal is to run the Roth up to crazy amounts tax free. Feels like it makes more sense to put risky plays there.


damn brokerage going down when I tried to buy sub 300 to flip later. I’ve noticed it goes down in the morning for an hour or so then moons.

I’m just playing around with insignificant money, I don’t care if i blow it all but obv that will not happen because STONKS


Just buying the stock, I have no desire to learn about options. Whoever compared this to a casino trip nailed it

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$26 billion market cap


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My puts are now up also somehow with the stock moving 20-150% up from the two times I bought. WTF.

I’m tempted to sell tbh although they should increase in value if the stock falls as well so who knows. I’m now +8.63%.

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This is gambling. The results are on the front page of a bunch of financial news sites but this is not any different than talking to a bunch of people in the casino about what slot machine is “due” to pay off.


I took profits on AMC and EXPR to cover my initial investment. Freerolling on remaining shares in both now! :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

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The WSB daily thread is just a bunch of people posting stock tickers and rockets. This is hilarious.

The new one seems to be SPCE.

Approaching Best Buy’s market cap.


So calls are way up, puts are up slightly, the STONK is way up.

The only people taking a beating on GME so far are the shorts. LOL.

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My meme stock portfolio was 5% of my 401k when I invested in it yesterday. It is now like 14% including the cash from profit taking.


I just bought 2 EXPR FEB $7 that went up $100 in about 2 seconds.

ETA: down $270 by the time I finished the above sentence.

I’m now +14.12% up today betting against GME with puts that I bought with a significantly lower share price. None of this makes any sense.


So when it crashes, does it happen all at once or in waves?

I think this is going to be insanely profitable for about a week as the GME millionaires cycle through new meme stocks and until hedge funds figure out how to successfully counter play and/or solicit new regulation. I am going to be hyper-aggressive in the short-term, with gradual risk reduction.

Edit: Think I’m supposed to disclose my positions so we don’t get in trouble. 400 shares BB, 450 shares NOK, 80 remaining shares AMC. Nothing in GME though that’s probably incorrect.


If my experience with BTC crashes is any indicator the first move down will be very large and unrecoverable and then you will see a series of dead cat bounces matched with additional drops.