Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

I sold my NOK calls at the bottom yesterday, dying right now. They’re already 4x what I sold them for.

I’ve been in the Alaska wilderness since yesterday and I get back to civilization and it seems the stonk mkt has broken. Can anyone point me to a rundown of wtf is happening? As far as I understand it, Reddit kids somehow made movie stonks go crazy? Is it time for me to dump these Blockbuster shares Ive been sitting on???

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Bank of America raised its price target on GameStop to $10 from $1.60.

lol you people never learn

Regular people just out here seeing value where groupthink Ivy Leaguers are blind.

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lol my buddy is pissed he got out of GME yesterday up 50%. Would be up 350% now

Yesterday I bought AMC at open and nothing happened all day then it YOLOed overnight.

This shit is really so dumb. Here’s to praying that Unstuckers are smart enough to get out at the right time. As if it’s possible to predict.

On the flip side we’re drawing live to early retirement and the value of our remaining years has taken a significant hit given recent events so going broke isn’t so bad.

I don’t know what this “get out” means?


LOL got nervous and sold out of EXPR at <$6 an hour ago. STONKS


It means that someone missed out on some STONKS is what it means.

Ok I put the Roth in half NOK and half AMCX. Accidentally did the first NOK order in the regular IRA, but I’m going to let that one ride.


no idea what the fuck KOSS is but its up 201% and was halted

EXPR 210%

koss makes headphones

it’s on the list with amc, cheap cost of shares that were shorted so it skyrocketed

5 days ago it was $3/share now it’s 27 simply on speculation lol



I got in on NOK this morning, feels good to have the suzzer luckbox on my side

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I cannot imagine actually trading in these stocks. Godspeed to all of you here. I think you’re playing with fire, but if someone is going to get rich on this nonsense, I’m happy if it’s you guys.

Kind of annoying that I lost out on a year of retirement by not waking up 30 minutes earlier.


Jan. 2022 $20 puts trading for $7 while the stock trades at 275 lolololol incredible stuff

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