So I’m in guys. Miss’s said I’d messed up and wouldn’t get any AMC at the limit type (whatever that is) so changed it and bought less.
Rockets emojis
I bought stock. Up almost 1k. My account wasn’t approved for options, but is now.
I slept in today and woke up to this. Nuts.
I sold all my AMC at 22 and then set a limit buy for $15 that Robinhood never filled despite the price dropping briefly to 12. Wat.
Welp. I bailed on EXPR too early.
More like 2 years earlier. Woke up this morning and insta-sold it all. I’m not that greedy.
Not a bad haul - 8x banger for 20 days work.
Goddamnit. TD Ameritrade and their wait on options trading. The FEB contracts for EXPR that I was going to buy are up 5. goddamnit.
Cinemark is spiking too. Makes me wonder if there are blind algorithms that see one movie stonk rise and buy others.
Yeah, I took the roundabout way on AMC and bought CNK instead. Also, CNK’s popcorn is better.
Damn I sold at $16.7.
WSB isn’t on that one, it’s too low for them
@WichitaDM , what else you making moves on today so I can get on the other side?
ETA: Is Witchita the Riverman of STONKS? Or is Riverman’s curse applicable to STONKS as well.
I bought GME puts around 300. That’s it for now.
My EXPR calls would have been a 6 bagger so far. Sickening.
Ok I sold my UCO in my Roth. I’m ready for a tax-free 10x-er. What’s next NOK, AMCX for the lulz?
The insane thing about put prices on GME right now is that I am basically even. The stock skyrocketing spiked IV which means my puts are treading water . I’m down 5.63% so far.
You’re a dumb idiot for being stuck you must work for a hedge fund.
Why is my BB not exploding? Is this thing broken?
And my BBBY is up a yawn inducing 34% since open. Going to need to at least triple up to get my heart rate up.