Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

So I’m in guys. Miss’s said I’d messed up and wouldn’t get any AMC at the limit type (whatever that is) so changed it and bought less.

Rockets emojis :slight_smile:

I bought stock. Up almost 1k. My account wasn’t approved for options, but is now.

I slept in today and woke up to this. Nuts.

I sold all my AMC at 22 and then set a limit buy for $15 that Robinhood never filled despite the price dropping briefly to 12. Wat.

Welp. I bailed on EXPR too early.

More like 2 years earlier. Woke up this morning and insta-sold it all. I’m not that greedy.

Not a bad haul - 8x banger for 20 days work.


Goddamnit. TD Ameritrade and their wait on options trading. The FEB contracts for EXPR that I was going to buy are up 5. goddamnit.


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Cinemark is spiking too. Makes me wonder if there are blind algorithms that see one movie stonk rise and buy others.

Yeah, I took the roundabout way on AMC and bought CNK instead. Also, CNK’s popcorn is better.

Damn I sold at $16.7.

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WSB isn’t on that one, it’s too low for them

@WichitaDM , what else you making moves on today so I can get on the other side?

ETA: Is Witchita the Riverman of STONKS? Or is Riverman’s curse applicable to STONKS as well.

EXPR :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:


I bought GME puts around 300. That’s it for now.

My EXPR calls would have been a 6 bagger so far. Sickening.

Ok I sold my UCO in my Roth. I’m ready for a tax-free 10x-er. What’s next NOK, AMCX for the lulz?

The insane thing about put prices on GME right now is that I am basically even. The stock skyrocketing spiked IV which means my puts are treading water . I’m down 5.63% so far.

You’re a dumb idiot for being stuck you must work for a hedge fund.


Why is my BB not exploding? Is this thing broken?

And my BBBY is up a yawn inducing 34% since open. Going to need to at least triple up to get my heart rate up.

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