Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Is everything halted?

Insane AMC plunge wow.

Never mind on waking up Suzzer… let him sleep through this chaos.

Can’t load anything on etrade right now

Sold everything I bought pre-market. Made $50. Bigger gain is that I learned I have no patience, nerves, or stomach for this.


it seems like we are destined to get some future legislation to curtail the ability to do this, a la gun control for the black panthers in the 60s…

the wrong group of people are benefiting (here regular people) and the “losing” side has a lot of lobbying power

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all they’d have to do is curtail short selling

well it still wouldn’t stop meme’ing but it’d stop the squeezing

I can’t get anything to execute on RH, frustrating.

My market order to sell got processed at 9:47. Theres a real risk of missing gains due to transaction timing. AMC opened at 20 but I only got 16.50.

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let the memers regulate the short selling issue.


Reloaded my GME put position. Everyone thank me later.

Message received, we’ll all go long on GME.

Vanguard down too, lol

So right now GameStop is a $20 billion company LOL

Seems like trading issues all over the place after market opened this morning. We need trades processing normally to truly STONK!

I just bought BB and NOK. This is so uncomfortable.


This is crazy. WTF is going to happen if there’s another round if stimulus? People are getting stock tips on Tik Tok. This might make the dotcom bubble look quaint.

NOK shouldn’t make you uncomfortable at all, that’s actually a good value. There’s even an argument for BB. AMC and EXPR are the pure meme plays.

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I’m pretty convinced the unlimited up moves but trading halts when it goes down 10-15% is saving GME.