Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Did you forget to write “YOLO :rocket:” on the trade ticket?

AMCX is one of the most shorted stocks. Even more than AMC.


EXPR $8 now.

Retarded, autistic, degen & desperate are badges of pride and terms of endearment there, much like weird/loser/virgin/non-normie are badges of pride at 4chan. It’s also customary to talk about your partner’s boyfriend, or someone else’s. “My wife’s boyfriend says BB is going to 30 by EOW”

I personally don’t get a homophobic vibe from that crowd or their use of gay. You can be gay there as long you’re a “glorious gay bull riding a big juicy rocket”, but WHATEVER you do, do not be a gaybear!

Yesterday I did see an anti-Semitic comment (about the elites being Jewish blah blah) and I refreshed the page later to see how it was received; it was downvoted to oblivion with all negative replies. Whad’ya know, WSB passes the “not Nazis” bar!


EXPR $9 now. I am so stupid.

Is EXPR the new AMC? Asking for a friend, I am definitely not addicted to trading stocks on emotion now.

Amazing that out of my AMC, EXPR, NOK portfolio I bought yesterday that NOK (who is you know actually a solid company and long term play) is by far performing the worst. STONKS!!!

i put in a bid for 20x AMC weekly 7c yesterday at .15 when it was .14 x .16 and didn’t fill and decided to be responsioble and not chase cause i only wanted to yolo $300

gonna be worth something like $35-40k at open

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Who knows I had several k worth of calls I bought Monday around $3. I sold them yesterday at a modest loss and my windows aren’t even high enough to jump out of. Sad!


Was thinking about donating my meager AMC winnings from yesterday to charity, maybe I should send then to you. UP Solidarity Forever.

Lol charity is good. I’d just blow it on my next terrible STONKS gamble.

Imagine a world in which Elon was enough of a troll to come out today and say Tesla is going to acquire GameStop.

Yeah, I am 99% to blow it on a STONKS before the end of the week.

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Watching GME move more than 1% every couple seconds is pretty incredible. And this has been going on for over a week now.

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At this rate I think GME should acquire TESLA next Tuesday.


can’t invest in bitcoin it’s too volatile gotta put in safe things like the stock market


The highest EXPR option available is almost 20% below the current share price.

ETA-although it is down to mid 7s now. Off 20% in the last 5 minutes. STONKS.

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