Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Was this Reddit trolls intentionally trying to fuck with hedge funds or was it button-clicking gamblers pretending to be investors accidentally finding a way to fuck with hedge funds and some smart people realizing what was going on?

I thought 60m was too high and fundamentally I was right lol.

Carl Icahn tried to do this to Bill Ackman with Herbalife (which remains an absolute scam company). He failed despite having tens of billions of dollars. Incel trolls have now succeeded where Carl Icahn failed.

Also, I’ll take any excuse to post this, unquestionably the GOAT business TV segment:

I don’t like going to CVS unless I have my $2 ExtraBucks coupon on me, but just dumped a bunch of cash into meme stonks.

Story checks out.

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My understanding is that a couple players (one guy in particular) had an actual thesis re: Gamestop’s recovery and started making some money once Ryan Cohen got involved. That attracted a lot more interest/attention, resulting both in theses about how the company might successfully transform as well as recognition of the short action. Most of what’s happened since has been a deliberate (and genuinely impressive) attack on shorts, but driven by that initial exposure.

Honestly this is the type of wealth transfer that everyone on this forum should be excited about. There are a ton of WSBers pulling themselves out of financial insecurity and well into the middle or upper class.

and now they’re all republicans because of taxes


The morning show on WFAN in New York is now talking GME. Pretty sure that’s a good indicator the party’s over.

I care more about whether this can bring rich folks down. Any chance of bankers or brokers jumping out of windows because of this?

if it brings enough of them down and enough other financial institutions loaned them money, we get a financial crisis that brings everyone down.

Guess it makes sense a depression would start because of a meme and some people thought it’d be funny

Are these redditors actually good guys or just other rich day traders who found a leak?

Go check out the sub. It reads like they are all 18.


Oh yeah. Its totally up to the HF managers to protect themselves.

I really don’t know. I’m late to the game.

With barely any shares available to short how would the big money players bring this GME move down? Isn’t having every retail investor on earth pile into a handful of stonks and then crushing them a hedge fund manager’s wet dream?

There’s a subforum dedicated to their charitable giving: Reddit - Dive into anything.

Yeah, this feels more like people with an adolescent instinct to find it “funny” if they cause something chaotic to happen. I certainly find it pretty funny.

I have now realized this is definitely not going to work. I will watch the price all day to see what happened after I sold it. This day trading shit is seriously addictive.


Thought I bought AMC at 8 but I logged in and the trade didn’t go through


EXPR $7 now. If I had held my calls one day longer it would have been a 5 figure gain. I think @Fatboy8 held right?