Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Kinda scary when you buy something pre-market and then it automatically shows as a 70% loss in your account.


Sorry Melvin!

I had calls Monday/Tuesday! I lost there too lol.

Ok that makes sense but isn’t that true if every short position? Is the issue here the size of the short position? Like they need so much stock that it’s having the opposite effect?

BB hasn’t seen the same mega spike as the rest. Is BB next?



You got it. The volume of short positions in GME was exceptionally large relative to the size of the company. This allowed sophisticated HF investors to be bankrupted by, uh, some unemployed dudes on Reddit.


I may have said that… I definitely didn’t mean soon to be penny stocks like gme. What’s surprising me is that the entire hedge fund community hasn’t come out to crush gme. They definitely have the buying power.

Lol shorting I guess.

It’s literal Robin Hood, not the app but the guy with a green hat! :grin:



Ok, just bought a tiny amount of BB and AMC. Trying to get in on some BBBY, but it keeps going past my limit price by the time I can place the trade. LOL.

This comment in the article is both true and insane:

“Mike O’Rourke, chief market strategist at Jones Trading, said one could argue that the Reddit’s WallStreetBets community has saved AMC from a pandemic-driven bankruptcy. The company conducted another at-the-market offering of 50 million shares Monday, he said”

Suzzer should send WSB a thank you for retiring 6 months earlier haha.

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I’m still convinced the wsb massacre is coming. (So it probably isn’t)

And this is nothing new. I mean, it’s new that memelords are doing it. But if a hedge fund exposes themselves with a huge short position in a small stock, well, why should anyone gaf if someone else intentionally blows up that short position.


Oh it’s the only sure thing on the agenda. The weirdest thing is that wsb is in on the joke. Nihilistic really is the right word for it.

Oh, 100%. The question is when. Probably today since I just threw in some play money.

Nah I have GME puts I bought when the stock was at $145 that expire Friday. The crash happens Monday.

I stopped watching Billions a while ago but I’m for sure going to watch next season to see Axe getting involved in memelording.


I don’t know if this makes you feel any better, but I had a limit buy yesterday for 500 additional shares of AMC that failed to fill by literally 1c.

Anyway the trend I’m noticing is that people are clearly going after the other stocks that are heavily-shorted - or at least those are the ones that are easiest to move prices with additional action.

For those of you wondering about BB’s lack of movement, it’s not heavily shorted and won’t have the same vulnerability. A lot of WSB see it as a long play with the potential for an immediate spike, but it doesn’t have the built-in short-term madness of GME/BBBY/AMC.

Yup. Today seems like the day considering we all jumped on board and my phone had 4 texts from different people asking if I had shared in GME/BB/AMC when I woke up.

GME market cap of over 5 billion now. It was at 60 million at one point in 2020.