Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

‘Autists’ too. It’s a collection of white American males so you know it’s a cancer on society (much like the wall street firms they are currently stomping)

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AMC 16


I think Suzzer is their CFO now.


AMC right now :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

Might jump in with some play money to STONK this morning. AMC, BB, BBBY? What’s the play here?

EXPR has quietly almost doubled since close yesterday too.

Since you don’t want that answer…

$100 or bust :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

Ha ha. I am bailing at open today. Even for the tiny amount of my position I dont want to burn another full day of work watching the price.

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Was hoping it would be harder to get set up, but apparently there’s about $1500 that’s just been sitting in my Fidelity account for a couple years now…time to YOLO…

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But by 9:45 I’ll probably shove it all back into BB or something.

Congrats @suzzer99. Can I subscribe to your newsletter?



I bought GME puts towards close yesterday. My streak of being wrong every time on STONKS is still undefeated.


Similar situation for me, I have a small cash allocation in my retirement plan that I was ignoring. I usually just wait until my next large contribution and use that cash to top up a bigger purchase of something sensible like a Vanguard ETF. BORING YOLO BB AMC!!!

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Can someone explain this GameStop thing to me in layman language?

It’s wild how easy it is to enable an account for after-hours trading. I’ve always thought it was something that was only for special people.

I sold a ton of expr calls yesterday also. It’s up over 100% AH. Unreal.

You need to set up a 2 factor authenticator on your puts button attached to a majority vote of the forum where we can all help you stop losing money. STONKS go up man, not down!

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A bunch of hedge funds bet against GME. The mechanism to do that is to write contracts saying the HF will sell you a GME share at a future date at a fixed price. They are betting that the actual price will be lower than the fixed contract price.

If the actual price is higher, the HF loses money. They have to buy the GME stock in the market at the higher price and sell it under the contract at the lower price.

When a lot of people are shorting the price and they all have to go into the market and buy the GME stocks it drives the price even higher, forcing more HFs to buy more to cover their shorts etc etc.

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I remember back in this very thread a few months back when people told me WSB didn’t have enough money to significantly move STONKS.