Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

GME is really going to hit 1000 at this rate


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I’m ditching my stupid WSB index fund and going all in on BB (all in with my FAAFO stonk funds)

DD: Second most talked about stonk after GME on reddit. It’s blackberry, and zoomers don’t even know what that is, which is a downside from GME and AMC. However, I am banking on people mistaking it for Best Buy, or Beyond Burger, or Bed Bath. It’s a common acronym so you get a lot of buyers at once for different reasons. STONKS!

Edit - I think i do understand why AMC isn’t mentioned as much on Reddit, it’s because it isn’t 1B market cap, and WSB has a ban on that. It will be over 1B in a few hours though when markets open

GME 360 now. Probably will be $1,000+ by close

Yesterday I was hoping it would go up by 10% so I could claim a gain on literally the only trade I have ever made that didn’t involve buy and hold of an ETF. Now I am thinking about selling my house and putting the proceeds into whatever WSB is pumping.


reddit isnt believing this.

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In a normal world this would seem like a good time to short GME, no? Either way I’m staying the fuck away from margin, and lol at shorting anything in this environment. We def are far from normalcy.

Let’s go BB :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

BB has eclipsed GME on the WSB Ticker Sentiment graph

This is going to crash the market but until then it’s going to be a hell of a show

Lol I wonder if GME might open lower than it closed. At least all this shit happened after hours. Euros got megarekt. GME trading at $220 now, market opens in like 3 hours ?

That’s the reddit/WSB thesis. Some are saying fake news, others are saying there’s still a lot of other people heavily short.

If it turns out they are lying, the Netflix documentary on this just got an amazing plot twist. Honestly who knows, they could be lying. These people are vampires, anything is in their playbook.

the smug look on this mfer. he says they covered all shorts in the 90s. somethings fucky. either the short interest published is incorrect or there is another final boss that had all of the shorts, and it wasnt citron or melvin. Also very suspicious that both these groups put out statements at essentially the same time

183 now, incredible

All the memes tanking

IWM down over 2%.

Ita taking a lot of names with it.

Yeah AMC back down to $9 as well.

GME looks to be dead cat bouncing at this point.

I’m feeling confident in BB though, it’s holding strong. Literally can’t go tits up.

edit: :rocket:

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Why would gme go up if the hedge funds bought back everything? I mean its not like gme is actually a good buy.

That dude looks legit shook

Just bought 100 shares, let us gogogogo


I’m going to gamboooool on BB too, just pure degen.

Just took a look at WSB. It’s like taking a time capsule back into the 90s with people unironically calling stuff “gay” and “retarded.” I’m so thankful I rarely have to interact with regular people.

Edit: Apparently their pet name for the forum collectively is retards? Sigh.