Investing (aka GameStonk and other gambling events)

Net good probably.

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This book is so good. Top 10 business/finance read.



ah the 98 fail, I still have to finish my book on the lehman failure.


Would love to hear other book recommendations. My favorites:

Barbarians at the Gate
Den of Thieves
The Smartest Guys in the Room
Liars Poker

You seem to post good beers, I’m in for all of the above! :rocket::rocket:

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I’ve got 6k in BB/AMC and will add 2-5 more (mostly to BB) if they dip in the morning. BB is a little different than GME in that there’s actually a potential scenario where the company justifies a 50-100+ price. And it seems likely to be the next landing place for the GME winners, unless they try to only go after the heavily-shorted stocks.

Disclaimer: I was consistently -EV in poker and have only a midrange understanding of STONKS. Neither my luck nor my expertise should be used as justification to follow me.


Yeah, selling at 8 is here is a strong play, imo. You could certainly join the “moon beam crowd” and wait for it to reach 160 or maybe not. Worst case scenario is that the second group of irrational emo traders following the first pack happened to be right as you got right after the first group of idiots temporarily bumped your stock above what it’s worth. The second group almost always gets fucked,

Everybody’s got a hypothesis until they get punched in the mouth.


Taking meme stonk advice from a guy because you like his beer choices??? This is definitely sustainable. :rocket::rocket::rocket:


Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

What price do I get if I buy AMC on Robinhood after hours, if I’m “queued up”?

(The answer doesn’t matter, I’ve already mashed the buy button. Just curious what I can expect!)

No chance this goes south!

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My favorites used to be The Informant and Conspiracy of Fools but it seems like Eichenwald has totally gone off the deep end so I don’t know how much is true or not.

I don’t have a great sample size but for the past couple days these meme stocks have all gone up premarket and then dipped around 8-9am (Mountain time) before climbing back.

You can expect a market buy at 930 EST.

If I put in an order for a stock and it’s below the market price does that order stay open forever is does it expire after a certain time?

It should have a duration. Default is just for the day but you can also do 60 days, etc

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amc 12.3 LOL


Your friend tripled his Roth in under 24hrs